TLJ Timing Issues

The timing doesn’t add up to me. How did Snoke and Ben know anything about the transports or Crait? DJ doesn’t make his deal until long after Rey and Ren are already in the throne room, or so it was presented to us. We don’t see Snoke get informed of the development, so how did he know about the transports, and how did he know when they actually launched (bc they didn’t even launch until after Finn and Poe were stopped, which was after Rey and Ren were in the throne room) so he knew when to have Rey look out and see them?

And actually, unless it was Hux, and I don’t think it was, I doubt anyone came to report to Snoke, because very, very few people were allowed to see him in person. His reclusiveness was his first line of defense. And if it was Hux, he probably would have taunted Finn with Rey’s “capture” before ordering the execution. That would have upset Finn more than a slap in the face. Maybe Snoke received a hologram or transmission while we weren’t watching, but then I would think that Rey’d have heard it, too, and so she wouldn’t have been surprised when she looked through the oculus, and Snoke wouldn’t have had to tell her that they were Resistance transports.

And when he came to, how did Ben know the transports/Rey would be headed to the “Resistance base” aka Crait? The Order can’t have known that Crait was a Rebels hideout back in the day or that the Resistance would try to go there–because 1) I assume if the Order had known about it they’d have destroyed it a long time ago, 2) they would have been monitoring for “little transports,” anticipating the Resistance would try to reach Crait, and 3), DJ’s information wouldn’t have had any value to them, and he’d have been executed alongside Finn and Rose.

But why didn’t the Order learn of the base before DJ told them? Didn’t they think, “Is there a reason the Resistance left hyperspace in this spot? Oh, look, a nearby planet, which they could reach even with the little fuel they have. Could they have been trying to go there before they turned around to run away from us? They need a new base since we just destroyed the other one. What’s on that planet–Crait, is it called?–that they think it could be their new base? Find out, minions!” *a short time later* “A secret base, you say! Blow it up!”

That seems like pretty simple logic, right? So why didn’t anyone think of it? If I could think of it, I would hope a military strategist could.

Maybe it was explained in the books–assuming it can be explained–and I just didn’t read closely enough.


What do you think?