The Look on His Face…

So I slowed the playback during the Crait scene to try to catch some of Ben’s facial expressions to help me figure out what he might be thinking. I paused it at the precise moment he saw the Falcon and half a second before he ordered it shot down.

I thought he might look surprised to see the ship, but I did not expect…this. I had to share it with you guys.

I think I’m dying inside.

Damn it, Rey, hug him. HUG HIM, GODDAMNIT!!!




Who didn’t want me. “Blow that piece…”


5 thoughts on “The Look on His Face…”

  1. Okay, so speaking of his face and all the times people have said Adam doesn’t look anything like Han’s son. Hubby and I watched “Empire of Dreams: The Story of the Star Wars Trilogy” over the weekend. (Yes, we’re that nerdy.) There’s one particular sequence from behind the scenes on Empire that floored me. I saw it and for a few seconds my brain and my eyes went to war because I couldn’t understand what Ben was doing in that footage.
    Here’s the YouTube link. Watch the next few seconds of footage:
    Am I nuts or do you see it too?

    • Lol I’ve been watching that doc, too, in bits and pieces. Loving it. I’m not sure I see Ben in Han there as clearly as you did, but I definitely see a resemblance. When I first watched TFA I was like, “He’s supposed to be their son? Seriously?” But I started to see it–Leia’s coloring and Han’s face shape and wavy hair. I’ve certainly seen worse parent-child castings.

      • Definitely face shape, especially around the mouth and chin. But I see the resemblance most in Adam’s expressions. He must’ve studied Harrison’s body language and micro-expressions from all three movies because he really mirrors some of Han’s mannerisms perfectly. (I’d forgotten about Han’s foot slide from RotJ until I saw Ben do it in TLJ. It really shows how much Adam and Rian thought about the character relationships.)

  2. Nooooooooo my heart! Poor rejected Ben! He needs a good, pure snuggle with no redemption strings attached. Rey, go back to him *sob*

    (WJ posted a new vid two days ago about a Bendemption, did you see it?)


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