The Attendants

On Snoke’s page in the TLJ visual dictionary, there is a picture of a tall creature draped in a deep purple robe. You can see nothing but the robe and two glowing circles where their eyes should be, and very faintly, a buggy-looking face. I don’t recall seeing them or hearing about them in the film, so either it’s from deleted material or it’s just fun information for the dictionary. Wookieepedia says they were considered for TFA and Rogue One, so I can only assume they were meant to be in the movie at some point. It is described as thus:

Snoke’s retinue includes mute alien navigators who originated in the Unknown Regions. Were it not for the ancient hyperspace trails blazed by these towering servants, the Imperial survivors who fled into this uncharted realm would certainly have perished. These navigators designed and operate the oculus viewing scope in Snoke’s throne room.

  • robes conceal segmented, chitinous plates
  • dark purple robes, meant to evoke the royal hues of old Imperial advisors
  • enlarged brains can process multidimensional calculations
  • amplification lenses assist naturally weak eyes

What the what??

First of all–chitin (n.) – a nitrogen-containing polysaccharide, related chemically to cellulose, that forms a semitransparent horny substance and is a principal constituent of the exoskeleton, or outer covering, of insects, crustaceans, and arachnids.

I presume “segmented” means head, thorax, abdomen. Do they have wings? These are gigantic ant-beetle-spider-things (or at least, I’m assuming they’re humanish-sized) with enlarged brains that can navigate through space we have yet to comprehend. It’s a roach that you can’t hide from. If that’s not a recipe for a nightmare, I don’t know what is. I’d cover them up in robes, too. I mean, ewwwwwww……

Secondly–THAT’S why Snoke has such a big window and a magnifying glass. I mean, obviously it’s so he can see into space, but it’s more than that; that window is for these attendants to search space and see into other dimensions (unless I’m understanding that wrong). Snoke could park the Supremacy in the Unknown Regions and these attendants could see all sorts of shit going on in the galaxy–and beyond. No wonder Snoke felt he could afford to remain hidden–he could see everyone, while no one could see him. (I’m probably blowing that out of proportion, but jeez.)

My first question–there are many–if Snoke had these peeps at his disposal HOW COULD HE NOT FIND AHCH-TO??? If he was from the Unknown Regions and had been hanging out with navigators for some time, how did he not know?

How did Snoke meet them? Do they come from the same place? He can’t be one of them, he doesn’t look like a bug. Why do they attend Snoke? Why are they devoted to him? Where the hell are they? They’re attendants, so they must travel with him, right? They’ve got to be on the Supremacy somewhere. Why weren’t they ever attending Snoke in TLJ? Can they fight? Or are they just, like, thinkers? Would Rey and Ben have lost if these roaches had been present during the guard fight scene?


(I’m okay with never knowing, I much prefer him serving Ben’s storyline, but still…)

WILL THEY SERVE BEN NOW, or were they loyal only to Snoke? The guard fought for him after he was already dead, so I guess it’s possible the attendants flee–if they survived Holdo’s demolition derby.

These visual dictionaries are fricken priceless, I tell you.


What do you think?