Interesting Tidbits

As I continue to study Kylo Ren/Ben Solo, I’ve come across interesting tidbits of information that make me rethink what I thought I knew. For instance, in the visual dictionary for TFA, there’s a segment that reads: “The Supreme Leader believes Ren to be the ideal embodiment of the Force, a focal point of both light and dark side ability.” Furthermore, on Ben’s page on Wookiepedia (they also cited the TFA dictionary): “…Ben was eventually, in his late teens, targeted …

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I’ll Come Back For You

OMG I JUST HAD AN EPIPHANY I’m sure there are people who have obsessed over this years longer than me and caught this a million years ago and it’s probably been all over the internet, but I haven’t come across it yet and I just put two and two together in my head. In the TFA novel (credit to Alan Dean Foster and LucasFilm), during Rey’s Force vision on Takodana: Then behind her, another voice. That voice. “Stay here. I’ll …

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