Summoning Sabres

Does anyone else ever imagine the Jedi summoning their sabres like Thor summons Mjol-nir? He just holds out his hand, and that hammer will tear through any obstacles between them until it’s nestled in his palm. I’m imagining a scene similar to the one in Ragnarok when Thor speaks with Dr. Strange—Rey standing in a corridor aboard the Supremacy, facing a group of Stormtroopers. As they rush for her, she thrusts her hand out to the side. The troopers stop, …

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Misleading the Troops

Another juicy morsel from the TFA novel: Halting, Ren slowly scanned his surroundings. Even though they knew what he was doing, the troopers still marveled at the display. After a long moment of deliberation, he motioned them toward the upper levels. “They’re here. Find them. Up there.” The squad immediately went into action, moving off rapidly in the direction he had indicated. Once they were out of sight, Ren turned slowly—and headed downward. Ben deliberately steered the troops in the …

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