Strawberry Hill by Catherine Anderson

Title: Strawberry Hill Author: Catherine Anderson Series: Mystic Creek #5 Likable characters but terribly unfocused plot I liked this story, I found it both tragic and heartwarming, but it had some big problems narratively. At the center was Slade and Vickie, two sixty-something has-been sweethearts who were to be married until distrust broke them apart forty years ago. I didn’t relate to them all that much, but I liked Slade quite a bit. Vickie was meh. My biggest problem with …

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Spring Forward by Catherine Anderson

Title: Spring Forward Author: Catherine Anderson Series: Mystic Creek #4 — Stars Boring, didn’t finish I really don’t like reviewing a book I didn’t finish, so I won’t rate it (except on Amazon I have to in order to leave a review, so I gave a neutral three), but I did want to share my thoughts on the third I did read. Anderson’s a great writer, mechanically, and it’s obvious she puts extra effort into her descriptions. Several times I …

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Mulberry Moon by Catherine Anderson

Title: Mulberry Moon Author: Catherine Anderson Series: Mystic Creek #3 Suspend your disbelief and you’ll enjoy this book Sissy Bentley wants nothing more than to run a successful business and leave her impoverished past behind her. She is not in the market for a man; men only got friendly with her if they wanted something, usually one specific thing, and she learned a long time ago that she owed them nothing and needed nothing from them. When Ben Sterling begins …

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New Leaf by Catherine Anderson

Title: New Leaf Author: Catherine Anderson Series: Mystic Creek #2 Charming, cozy, and heartwarming–the perfect book to read curled up by the fire What a charming story! I was impressed. I can’t give a very authoritative review of her last book a year ago, Silver Thaw–the one that started this new series–but I remember thinking that the writing seemed a bit sloppy, just not as spectacular as I had come to expect from an author whose work I’ve collected for …

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