Interview with Anna J. Stewart (A Detective’s Deadly Secrets and Vanished)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper A Detective’s Deadly Secrets by Anna J. Stewart is sadly the last in the series. The hero is FBI Agent Eaman Quinn, someone readers should be familiar with. He is reunited with a former girlfriend, Lana Tate. She is searching for answers surrounding her late husband’s death but needs his help. Together they work the case and become reacquainted. Vanished is the second book in the Circle of the Red Lily series. It features …

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The Stories We Hate to Love

12/6/2016 Disclaimer: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, including the characters of Lily and James Potter, belong to their creator, J.K. Rowling. I own none of it and merely express my opinion of it. And thank you to Emmyjean of The Hidden Tower for allowing me to mention her and her fanfic Crossroads in this post. This isn’t a book review, more of a free-write essay that’s humming through my veins. I burned myself out a bit the last couple of …

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