Laser Pointer (get it? *snorts*)

Why do you supposed Ren looks down his blade like this? I assumed it was his way of focusing, kinda like one would use a scope, but I can see it being just a threatening gesture, like that aggressive stomp he does when he ignites his sabre in TLJ and the TFA teaser trailer (0:50). Like an “I’m coming for you” sort of thing. Or maybe it’s both. Or could it be a martial arts thing? Just wondering what you …

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Waking Silent and Resigned

  I can’t imagine anyone singing opera in Star Wars, but just like I heard Reflections from Mulan in my head every time I thought about Rey’s mirror scene, I hear Think of Me from the Phantom of the Opera when I imagine Rey and Ben waking up after splitting the sabre. A lot of the lyrics could apply, but the part that triggered this correlation in my mind is (1:44): Think of me, think of me waking silent and …

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Ben is Anakin’s Rebirth?

The lovely Monica Perle responded to my post recommending Vincent Vendetta’s Reylo videos on YouTube and recommended more videos by Wayward Jedi. I checked them out. This was my experience. Wayward Jedi: I believe Kylo Ren and Rey are Anakin and Padme reborn.   Okay, I know Star Wars is supposed to be mythopoetic, but that’s taking it a bit far.       *starts to think about all the Pinterest posts I’ve seen drawing parallels to the prequels but …

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Sexy Weapon Flip

I wish I knew how to make a gif! At 1:47:00, during the fight with the guard, Adam Driver does one of the sexiest things I think I’ve ever seen, though I’m sure he didn’t mean for it to be. So he has that bisento he stole from one of the last two guards he fights, and as the other guard comes up to duel him, he blocks that weapon using both his sabre and the stolen bisento. But the …

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How Do You Turn On a Lightsabre?

You know, I get so confused when it comes to how lightsabres work. Do you have to press a button, or can you ignite it using the Force? Maybe both? I know in TFA Finn mistakenly pressed the button that adjusts the length of the blade on Luke’s sabre instead of the activation matrix. Fans noticed and I think it was Pablo Hidalgo who admitted it was a mistake. Now I’m studying the fight scene, and Ren doesn’t seem to …

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Summoning Sabres

Does anyone else ever imagine the Jedi summoning their sabres like Thor summons Mjol-nir? He just holds out his hand, and that hammer will tear through any obstacles between them until it’s nestled in his palm. I’m imagining a scene similar to the one in Ragnarok when Thor speaks with Dr. Strange—Rey standing in a corridor aboard the Supremacy, facing a group of Stormtroopers. As they rush for her, she thrusts her hand out to the side. The troopers stop, …

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TFA Poster

I never noticed until yesterday that Ren’s sabre and Rey’s quarterstaff are perfectly aligned in the TFA poster. Coincidence? I think not!            

I’ll Come Back For You

OMG I JUST HAD AN EPIPHANY I’m sure there are people who have obsessed over this years longer than me and caught this a million years ago and it’s probably been all over the internet, but I haven’t come across it yet and I just put two and two together in my head. In the TFA novel (credit to Alan Dean Foster and LucasFilm), during Rey’s Force vision on Takodana: Then behind her, another voice. That voice. “Stay here. I’ll …

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