Last Shot Review

Title: Last Shot Author: Daniel José Older Series: n/a Just my overall thoughts. If you want to avoid spoilers for the book, there are minor ones here, so beware. I liked this book more than I thought I would, but it wasn’t perfect. My favorite aspect: two-year-old Ben Solo, of course, as well as Han’s awkward, uncomfortable approach to parenting, marriage, and overall commitment. He loves his family but he just doesn’t know what the hell to do with them. …

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Come Back, Dada

Ben’s little head appeared in the holo, and his eyes went wide. “Dada!” Han stepped back, and an unstoppable smile burst across his face. “Hey, kiddo! You all right?” Ben nodded then opened a toothy grin of his own. “Unca Wanwo!” “Hey, little starfighter,” Lando said. “All right,” Leia said. “I’ll let you guys go. Be safe out there.” She blew Han a kiss and waved at the other two. “Say bye, Ben.” “Come back, Dada,” Ben said, articulating each …

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Phantom Dad

“Dada?” Ben’s little head appeared in the holo, blinking. Then a smile broke out on his face. “Dada!” “Hey, little buddy,” Han said. The boy reached out and then frowned. He was still figuring out this holo thing–had probably just watched his own little hand swat through his father’s glowing image. “Come, sleep some more, Ben,” Leia cooed, pulling him close before he could get too caught up in the phantom-dad problem. (© Last Shot by Daniel José Older, Del …

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