Han Holding Baby Ben

Oh my god, guys, I’m freaking out. I decided to read Bloodlines (Claudia Gray, Del Ray, LucasFilm) for the sake of my Ben Solo essay–well, if I’m being honest, I’m skimming it for Ben information; politics really don’t interest me–and I found this. It’s a little flashback to a moment: “Never imagined this,” Han had murmured, sitting up in their bed at night, Ben’s tiny head resting in the crook of his father’s arm. “Having a kid. Even wanting a …

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Good Intentions

I’m reading the visual dictionary for The Last Jedi and choked when I read this: “Skywalker’s first student was to be his sister, Leia. However, she ultimately decided that the best path for her to serve the galaxy left no room for the extended isolation of Jedi training. As Leia concentrated on her new family and senatorial politics, Luke began his travels…” She had good intentions, anyway.