Interview with Rosemary Simpson (The Dead Cry Justice)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper The Dead Cry Justice by Rosemary Simpson always involves a mystery, returning characters, and a social issue during the Gilded Age. This historical novel delves into a very tough and disturbing topic. But Simpson is such a gifted author and writes in a manner that does not go over the top. She realizes a line should not be crossed, leaving the subject matter up to the reader’s imagination. The story opens with the main …

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Interview with B. J. Daniels (Heart of Gold and Ambush Before Sunrise)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper Ambush Before Sunrise, the third book in the Montana Legacy series, and Heart of Gold, the third book of the Montana Justice series by B. J. Daniels are more suspense than romance. Both these books have the Daniels imprint, readers are taken on a thrilling roller coaster ride. Heart of Gold has the same theme as the other two books in the series. Judge WT Landusky ran a boot camp for troubled teens to …

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Interview with B. J. Daniels (Restless Hearts)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper Restless Hearts by B. J. Daniels is the first in a new series and it starts off with a home run. This story has a great murder mystery, some western romance, and family conflict. The plot begins with the heroine, private investigator Blaze McClintock, returning home. She is asked by the Judge who set her on the right path to help her estranged father who is accused of murdering a neighboring rancher. As the …

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Book Review – Always Look Twice by Elizabeth Goddard

Book Review by Elise Cooper Always Look Twice by Elizabeth Goddard is the second in the series about the McKade brothers. This action packed romantic suspense delves into family, friendships, second chances, and personal growth, with many twists and turns. The plot begins with Harper Reynolds who is attempting to heal her mind and soul by photographing nature scenes instead of crime scenes. Unfortunately for her as she is taking telephoto pictures of a Grizzly Bear, she inadvertently captures a …

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Interview with Patricia Bradley (Justice Betrayed)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper Justice Betrayed by Patricia Bradley is the third book in the Memphis Cold Case series. Any series set in Memphis must eventually delve into its famous resident, Elvis Presley. Bradley combines a riveting mystery with some fun facts about the Elvis Week that includes a tribute contest. Homicide detective Rachel Sloan must endure interviewing an Elvis impersonator, Vic Vegas, who wants her to look into the death of his friend, another impersonator that happened …

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