Destruction of Luke’s Temple

Since hunkering down for this Ben Solo character study essay, I’ve had his motivations on the brain. And it just occurred to me– While I’m NOT convinced Ben was solely and completely responsible for the destruction of Luke’s temple (I could talk circles around the quotes that imply he was; maybe I will sometime)…if he was… Does that make it the Star Wars version of a school shooting? Jesus. And we thought killing his father was dark… Was Ben bullied? …

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Unlucky Thirteen

“I took him, and a dozen students, and started a training temple.” TLJ Luke, thinking he’s too cool for the number thirteen to give him bad luck. Hubris, indeed. lol        

Flashback R2D2

As I study Luke’s second lesson, I find myself wondering: Why was R2D2 just hanging out, watching the temple burn? I think he’s watching it; he seems to turn and look at Luke as the man approaches from behind the droid. The quote, “Some people just like to watch the world burn,” comes to mind. (Not sure where that originated, can only think of Alfred’s line in The Dark Knight.) But seriously, did R2D2 know Luke went to confront Ben? …

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