Interview with Iris Johansen (The Bullet)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper The Bullet by Iris Johansen brings back forensics’ sculptor Eve Duncan and former SEAL Joe Quinn. This married couple are blissfully in love. But it turns out their relationship was not always paradise. Now readers get a glimpse into their multifaceted relationships, past and present. Love, revenge, family, and an intense mystery are intertwined within this story. The plot begins with Diane Connors, a dedicated doctor who has made a shocking discovery. She has …

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Interview with Iris and Roy Johansen (Blink of an Eye)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper Blink of an Eye by Iris and Roy Johansen brings back the wonderful character Kendra Michaels. It is fun to read how the authors display her deductive skills to find information others over-look. She is perceptive, astute, insightful, detail-oriented and can assess a crime scene meticulously. The story has mega pop star Delilah Winter kidnapped after performing at the Hollywood Bowl. In attendance were Kendra and her friend Jessie Mercado, the singer’s former bodyguard …

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Interview with Iris Johansen (Chaos)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper Chaos by Iris Johansen is a stand-alone book. Known for her action, drama, and compelling characters Johansen has done it again. This novel introduces CIA agent Alisa Flynn and a mercenary type Gabe Korgan who have a love-hate relationship. The book opens with schoolgirls in Africa kidnapped and horses stolen by Jorge Masenak. Among those taken is Alisa’s “adopted little sister,” Sasha. Fearing for her and the others lives Alisa decides to write her …

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Elise’s Review – The Persuasion by Iris Johansen

Book Review by Elise Cooper Persuasion by Iris Johansen finalizes the story between Jane MacGuire and Seth Caleb. As with all her stories, Johansen writes emotionally charged and complex characters with a fast-paced plot. Infused into this thriller is the romance between the hero and heroine. This story starts out with Jane’s brother, Michael, visiting her in Wales. Both are the children of Eve and Joe Duncan. Having a psychic ability, Michael senses that Jane is in danger and asks …

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Interview with Iris and Roy Johansen (Hindsight)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper Hindsight by Iris and Roy Johansen is a unique thriller. The protagonist is Investigator Kendra Michaels, whose former blindness has left her with uniquely insightful observational skills. Blind for the first twenty years of her life before gaining her sight via a revolutionary surgical procedure, she has become known for her razor-sharp senses and keen deductive abilities. Kendra has highly developed senses of smell, hearing, and spatial awareness that she’s used to help the …

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Elise’s Review – Smokescreen by Iris Johansen

Book Review by Elise Cooper Smokescreen by Iris Johansen brings to life a realistic page-turner. Readers will be reminded of the genocide in Rwanda through some of the descriptions in this plot. Women empowerment are always a part of the stories that Johansen writes. “I like writing strong women. In this one I had a bunch of them. They showed the world what they could do. One quality they all had in common was independence. They are talented and bad …

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Elise’s Review – Vendetta by Iris Johansen

Book Review by Elise Cooper Vendetta by Iris Johansen brings back characters introduced in the Eve Duncan books. Although it is billed as an “Eve Duncan” she is only mentioned briefly. But, this does not take anything away from the plot and the main characters, Rachel Venable and Jude Brandon. The story centers on these two and their attempts to bring down Max Huber, the head of Red Star, a terrorist organization with immense power. The story begins with the …

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Interview with Iris and Roy Johansen (Double Blind)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper Double Blind by Iris and Roy Johansen is a heart stopping story. This series has a very original premise and this novel, in particular, has a killer that is unique. Blind from birth, the main character, Kendra Michaels, regained her sight at the age of twenty. Now she is able to use her extensively distinct senses and acute analytical skills to help the FBI thwart bad guys. This case literally came to her after …

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Interview with Iris Johansen (Shattered Mirror)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper Shattered Mirror by Iris Johansen is a paranormal thriller with a tease of romance. What makes this book stand out is that the good guys/gals are actually good and the bad guys are pure evil, without any grey area. Eve Duncan, a forensic sculptor, has the job of reconstructing skulls for recognition. At her Georgia home, left in Joe, her husband’s car, is a package with a skull burnt beyond recognition. Also, inside are …

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Interview with Iris Johansen (Mind Game)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper Mind Game by Iris Johansen has fast paced action involving “Super Heroes.” The plot has Jane MacGuire plagued by dreams of a girl, Lisa, in trouble, having been kidnapped and beaten. She ends up discovering Lisa is related to Seth Caleb, someone Jane is attracted to and frightened by. Working with Caleb, they free Lisa and find that the kidnappers are trying to leverage Seth into doing their dirty work of killing someone without …

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