Gallows Hill by Darcy Coates

Title: Gallows Hill Author: Darcy Coates Series: n/a Great protag, great lore, great scares I would like to thank Darcy Coates, Poisoned Pen Press, and NetGalley for allowing me to read a free ARC in exchange for an honest review. I’m a recent fan of Coates; I’ve been wanting to read her for a few years but was stymied by Audible’s exclusive access to her audiobooks. Though I really can’t afford it, I finally caved and subscribed for monthly credits, …

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Strawberry Hill by Catherine Anderson

Title: Strawberry Hill Author: Catherine Anderson Series: Mystic Creek #5 Likable characters but terribly unfocused plot I liked this story, I found it both tragic and heartwarming, but it had some big problems narratively. At the center was Slade and Vickie, two sixty-something has-been sweethearts who were to be married until distrust broke them apart forty years ago. I didn’t relate to them all that much, but I liked Slade quite a bit. Vickie was meh. My biggest problem with …

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