Interview with B. J. Daniels (Restless Hearts)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper Restless Hearts by B. J. Daniels is the first in a new series and it starts off with a home run. This story has a great murder mystery, some western romance, and family conflict. The plot begins with the heroine, private investigator Blaze McClintock, returning home. She is asked by the Judge who set her on the right path to help her estranged father who is accused of murdering a neighboring rancher. As the …

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Healing Hearts by Sarah M. Eden

Title: Healing Hearts Author: Sarah M. Eden Series: Savage Wells #2 Full of heart and endearing characters but could use more passion I would like to thank Sarah M. Eden, Shadow Mountain Publishing, and NetGalley for allowing me to read an ARC in exchange for an honest review. This was a great book! It was the right degree of dramatic, it had heaps of heart, and all of the characters were endearing. Well, except the villain, of course, but I …

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Interview with Geo Shaw (from Jar of Hearts by Jennifer Hillier)

Find an interview with the author HERE Elise Cooper:  Geo Shaw from Jennifer Hillier’s Jar of Hearts has consented to this interview. We will discuss with Geo Shaw how she endured abuse, her best friends’ murder, going to prison, and the scorn of the community. EC: Do you think people can reinvent their life—did you? Geo Shaw: I’m working on it. I have a lot of baggage that follows me wherever I go. But I believe we can do anything …

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Interview with Jennifer Hillier (Jar of Hearts)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper Jar of Hearts by Jennifer Hillier blends a murder, cover-up, and twisted relationships. Through manipulated lives, prison hardships, abuse, friendship, and wrecked futures readers understand how someone’s life can go so wrong. The story centers on Georgina (Geo) Shaw, someone who had to deal with the grief of losing her mother and two best friends. But it appeared she overcame it, becoming a successful, thirty-year-old self-made executive at a Seattle pharmaceutical company. That is …

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Interview with Kimmery Martin (The Queen of Hearts)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper The Queen of Hearts by Kimmery Martin delves into relationships within the medical profession. This debut novel is set against a background of hospital rounds with life-or-death decisions. It is a story of betrayal and forgiveness as the two best friends, Emma Colley and Zadie Anson navigate their friendship through stormy waters. The story alternates between 1999 and the present day where they now live in North Carolina, raising a family, and have a …

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