Review Roundup Summer 2024 – Part 2

A quick little roundup of several smaller reviews I wrote in Summer 2024. Beware of spoilers! Title: House of Marionne Author: J. Elle Series: House of Marionne #1 Much thanks to J. Elle, Penguin/Razorbill, and NetGalley for allowing me to read a free ARC in exchange for an honest review. This book hits many of the same story beats as other YA fantasy*, so I could understand if some readers accuse it of being formulaic. I didn’t mind its predictability. …

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A Haunting in the Arctic by C. J. Cooke

Title: A Haunting in the Arctic Author: C. J. Cooke Series: n/a didn’t end well Much thanks to C. J. Cooke, Berkley, and NetGalley for allowing me to read a free ARC in exchange for an honest review. Also thanks to Kaila Mundell-Hill for inviting me on the blog tour. Yes, you read correctly—Berkley actually let me have an ARC. No, no, don’t run to your bunker. Stay close, though. Ghost story, psychological thriller, historical fiction—this novel has it all…..if …

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