Review Roundup Fall 2023

A quick little roundup of several smaller reviews I’ve written so far in Fall 2023. Depending on how many more I do, I may add on to the end, or make a part 1/part 2 deal, we’ll see. Beware of spoilers! Title: The Witchfinder’s Serpent Author: Rande Goodwin Series: The Witches of Windsor #1 Thank you to Rande Goodwin, Greenleaf Audiobooks, and NetGalley for allowing me to listen to a free eaudio ARC in exchange for an honest review. This …

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Ghosts I Have Known by Nhys Glover

Title: Ghosts I Have Known Author: Nhys Glover Series: Greyworld #1 Meh characters, predictable plot, too much “telling” Thanks to Maria Inot for offering me the opportunity to review this book, and thanks to Nhys Glover and TCK Publishing for allowing me to read a free copy in exchange for an honest review. Buy link: • Amazon • This is a well-intentioned but poorly written story that doesn’t develop a romance so much as act as a platform to explore …

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Summoned to Thirteenth Grave by Darynda Jones (Spoilers)

Title: Summoned to Thirteenth Grave Author: Darynda Jones Series: Charley Davidson #13 A hollow narrative with only humor and charismatic characters as its merits I would like to thank Darynda Jones, St. Martin’s Press/Macmillan, and NetGalley for allowing me to read an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I beg of you, don’t spoil any part of this series for yourself. Usually I don’t mind spoilers, but this is one series for which spoilers are simply criminal. If you …

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Interview with Darynda Jones (Summoned to Thirteenth Grave)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper Summoned to Thirteenth Grave by Darynda Jones is number thirteen and the last in the series. But thirteen is a lucky number for her and those that have followed the Grim Reaper Charley Davidson. This book opens with Charley returning to earth after being exiled for a hundred years in another realm. But like dog years having a one to seven ratio, there is a one to ten ratio since 100 actually is ten …

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Summoned to Thirteenth Grave by Darynda Jones (No Spoilers)

Title: Summoned to Thirteenth Grave Author: Darynda Jones Series: Charley Davidson #13 A hollow narrative with only humor and charismatic characters as its merits Edit 1/23/19 – Changed rating to two stars So, after reading the book again and giving it more thought while writing my spoiler review last week, I realized very little of this story makes sense. The plots are hollow, and ultimately, there’s no reason Charley couldn’t have snapped her fingers and fixed everything. As has been …

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Eleventh Grave in Moonlight by Darynda Jones

Title: Eleventh Grave in Moonlight Author: Darynda Jones Series: Charley Davidson #11 Too much plot and a little frustrating The eleventh Charley Davidson book is a good example of too much plot. The other books in the series have tread this line, but this is the first one I feel steps over it. While I love this book as much as I love all the others, I can still acknowledge that this novel was either a little too full of …

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The Curse of Tenth Grave by Darynda Jones

Title: The Curse of Tenth Grave Author: Darynda Jones Series: Charley Davidson #10 Had to dig deep for flaws To prepare for the release of Summoned to Thirteenth Grave in January, I started re-listening to the Grave series audiobooks a couple of months ago (Lorelei King is AMAZING). I got through Nine and needed a breather…then I received an invitation to participate in a blog tour for Thirteen beginning on Halloween, and part of the deal is to review one …

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The Trouble with Twelfth Grave by Darynda Jones

Title: The Trouble with Twelfth Grave Author: Darynda Jones Series: Charley Davidson #12 supernatural Stephanie Plum at first, now so much more I would like to thank Darynda Jones, St. Martin’s Press/Macmillan, and NetGalley for enticing me to check out this series by offering a free copy of First Grave on the Right and allowing me to read an ARC of The Trouble with Twelfth Grave in exchange for an honest review. Here’s a spoiler alert, though I imagine most …

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