Darling Girls by Sally Hepworth

Title: Darling Girls Author: Sally Hepworth Series: n/a an argument for nurture Thank you to Sally Hepworth, Macmillan Audio, and NetGalley for allowing me to listen to a free eaudio ARC in exchange for an honest review. First a disclaimer: I have no experience or personal knowledge of the foster care system, much less that of Australia, so I won’t be commenting on it. I have no idea if this novel perpetuates false and/or negative stereotypes or perceptions regarding foster …

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Interview with Eliza Jane Brazier (Girls and Their Horses)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper Girls and Their Horses by Eliza Jane Brazier is more than just a book about horses. Readers should think about sports travel teams and stage mothers. Those parents who try to put their own dreams on their children and push them to succeed, even when the dream does not seem realistic. The book explores the world of competitive horse jumping, with overbearing mothers who push their children to compete, toxic coaches, and mean girls. …

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Interview with Laura Griffin (Desperate Girls)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper Desperate Girls by Laura Griffin is a captivating novel, combining a suspenseful murder mystery, police procedural, with a touch of romance. She has the unique ability to write compelling plots that highlight caring and realistic characters. Former prosecutor Brynn Holloran has turned to the dark side, becoming a defense attorney. Everyone knows she is a superstar in the courtroom, although a failure in her personal life. She now must contend with a vicious murderer, …

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The Broken Girls by Simone St. James

Title: The Broken Girls Author: Simone St. James Series: n/a A spooky, intelligent, character-driven thriller I would like to thank Simone St. James, Berkley/Penguin Random House, and NetGalley for allowing me to read an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Idlewild Hall is a girls’ boarding school where the illegitimate, the mentally ill, and the troublemakers are swept under the rug. In 1950, four girls band together to survive the cold, dreadful place—and the ghost that uses their darkest …

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