TLJ Timing Issues

The timing doesn’t add up to me. How did Snoke and Ben know anything about the transports or Crait? DJ doesn’t make his deal until long after Rey and Ren are already in the throne room, or so it was presented to us. We don’t see Snoke get informed of the development, so how did he know about the transports, and how did he know when they actually launched (bc they didn’t even launch until after Finn and Poe were …

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Episode IX

It occurs to me–what if, in IX, Ben and Rey lose everything, and they’re drawn back into each other’s company just so they aren’t alone? What if history repeats itself, only this time, they have each other to fall back on, however reluctantly? Because Lucas himself has said Star Wars is all about the poetry. What if Ben gets kicked out of the First Order, left for dead or something, just like he was more or less kicked out of …

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