Dark Rey – D23 8/2019

I don’t know if any of my fellow Reylos still visit, but I’m putting this out there for anyone who wants to talk about it. I’m intrigued by the Dark Rey “reveal”—I put that in quotes because there could be any number of explanations for the brief image we saw of her garbed in black wielding a red sabre. Or at least holding one. I’m not sure what to think of it yet, I’m still browsing others’ theories on YouTube.

Wayward Jedi’s TLJ Novel Review

Thanks again, Monica, for pointing me in this guy’s direction. Dude’s a fricken genius. His review of TLJ was fascinating, and he just posted his commentary on the TLJ novel. I encourage anyone who’s interested in Reylo or the mythology of Star Wars as a whole to listen to it. I saw little to no Reylo in the novel, but he saw Reylo and Save Ben Solo everywhere. I don’t hate the book as much now after he took me …

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Episode IX

It occurs to me–what if, in IX, Ben and Rey lose everything, and they’re drawn back into each other’s company just so they aren’t alone? What if history repeats itself, only this time, they have each other to fall back on, however reluctantly? Because Lucas himself has said Star Wars is all about the poetry. What if Ben gets kicked out of the First Order, left for dead or something, just like he was more or less kicked out of …

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