Interview with Agnes Pratt from A Life Once Dreamed by Rachel Fordham

Find an interview with the author here. Agnes (Aggie) Pratt from Rachel Fordham’s A Life Once Dreamed has consented to this interview. Elise Cooper: Thank you so very much for doing this. You were very brave to leave the city you have grown up in, your friends, and your family. Now you live in the frontier town of Penance South Dakota. You have grown from a shy and timid individual to being an independent backbone of the town. EC: Do …

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Elise’s Review – A Life Once Dreamed by Rachel Fordham

Book Review by Elise Cooper A Life Once Dreamed by Rachel Fordham is an inspirational historical romance. It is a tale that delves into frontier life during the 1880s. Aggie Pratt, the heroine of the story—find an interview with her here—decides she must move away from her family and boyfriend in Buffalo New York. She answers an ad in the frontier town of Penance South Dakota where she becomes the beloved school teacher. She grows from a timid shy person …

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