Review Roundup Spring 2024

A quick little roundup of several smaller reviews I wrote in Spring 2024. Beware of spoilers! Sorry these first two are duds. Title: Lady Charlotte Always Gets Her Man Author: Violet Marsh Series: n/a Thank you to Violet Marsh, Hachette Audio, and NetGalley for allowing me to listen to a free eaudio ARC in exchange for an honest review. Soooo in the approval email, there was a bolded paragraph about how much they wanted feedback on the audio production in …

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Don’t Open the Door by Allison Brennan

Title: Don’t Open the Door Author: Allison Brennan Series: Regan Merritt #2 Loved this installment Much thanks to Allison Brennan, Harlequin Trade Publishing/MIRA, and Netgalley for allowing me to read a free ARC in exchange for an honest review. Also thanks to Justine Sha for providing the link to the galley. I’m relieved to say I greatly enjoyed this book! I’ve only read a handful of Brennan’s work, but so far it seems to be hit or miss—there’ll be a …

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