How Did Rey Know Vader Was Redeemed?

So… I don’t think anyone but Luke knew that Vader died redeemed. He told Leia, and presumably Han, after the fact, but I don’t think anyone else knew. So then how did Snoke and Rey know? A million guesses as to Snoke, but Rey… I can only assume Leia told her before Rey took off to find Luke. Hmm….

Interesting Tidbits

As I continue to study Kylo Ren/Ben Solo, I’ve come across interesting tidbits of information that make me rethink what I thought I knew. For instance, in the visual dictionary for TFA, there’s a segment that reads: “The Supreme Leader believes Ren to be the ideal embodiment of the Force, a focal point of both light and dark side ability.” Furthermore, on Ben’s page on Wookiepedia (they also cited the TFA dictionary): “…Ben was eventually, in his late teens, targeted …

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