Review Roundup Fall/Late 2022

A quick little roundup of several smaller reviews I wrote in late 2022. Beware of spoilers! Title: A Sinister Revenge Author: Deanna Raybourn Series: Veronica Speedwell #8 Great thanks to Deanna Raybourn, Berkley, and Edelweiss for allowing me to read a free ARC in exchange for an honest review. Overall this was a good addition to the series. Not exceptional, but good. I love that Veronica and Tiberious have developed a deep fraternal bond, and I loved the interesting dinosaur …

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Edge of Darkness by Karen Rose

Title: Edge of Darkness Author: Karen Rose Series: Cincinnati #4 A powerfully realistic and moving story Sweet Baby Jorge, I love Karen Rose. Her work continues to awe me. I don’t know if it’s her or her editor, but I almost never find any flaws in logic. Every plot point is methodically positioned and relevant and it all makes so much sense. And the level of detail, especially in police/FBI procedure—it simply astounds me. And the feels! I don’t know …

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Interview with Karen Rose (Edge of Darkness)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper Edge of Darkness by Karen Rose is the fourth book of the famous suspenseful Cincinnati series. As with most of her books she explores relevant issues centered around friends and colleagues. This one is no different since the current issues of abuse and addiction become the main theme of the novel. Meredith Fallon counsels sexually abused women like Mallory Martin to help them reintegrate into the world. But not everyone sees it as honorable …

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Darkness by Karen Robards

Title: Darkness Author: Karen Robards Series: n/a Interesting original story, lots of beautiful detail, a solid win for Robards This book was fantastic! I have only three or four-ish problems with it, and honestly, they’re nitpicking, because it was overall a solid piece of work, in my opinion. I may reveal a few spoilers. First and most inconsequential, the cover design. It’s beautiful, I absolutely love it–hot pink is my favorite color!–but it 100% clashes with the content and the …

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