Interview with Karen Rose (Into the Dark)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper With Into The Dark, Karen Rose has outdone herself, which is hard to do. This story is a great read for the holiday season: full of intense scenes of suspense, a sprinkle of romance, and great characters the readers will fall in love with. The core of the story is finding acceptance, trust, and love while struggling to avoid extreme danger. But an added bonus is how Rose delves into subjects such as living …

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Edge of Darkness by Karen Rose

Title: Edge of Darkness Author: Karen Rose Series: Cincinnati #4 A powerfully realistic and moving story Sweet Baby Jorge, I love Karen Rose. Her work continues to awe me. I don’t know if it’s her or her editor, but I almost never find any flaws in logic. Every plot point is methodically positioned and relevant and it all makes so much sense. And the level of detail, especially in police/FBI procedure—it simply astounds me. And the feels! I don’t know …

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Every Dark Corner by Karen Rose

Title: Every Dark Corner Author: Karen Rose Series: Cincinnati #3 A+++++ … but maybe read last couple of books to better understand big picture FBI Special Agent Griffin “Decker” Davenport, along with Special Agent Kate Coppola and their team in Cincinnati, must work together to uncover a sociopathic pedophile who sells drugs, makes kiddie porn, steals and sells people as though they were objects, and kills anyone who gets in his way. Well, I hunkered down for a three-day weekend …

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