Beguiled by Darynda Jones

Title: Beguiled Author: Darynda Jones Series: Betwixt and Between #3 This trilogy wasn’t her best Thank you to Darynda Jones for allowing me to read a free ARC in exchange for an honest review, and big thanks to the friendly Dana Crawford, who provided me with the ARC. Apologies for not reviewing before the release as I’d promised; delaying the release a week at the last minute threw off my own schedule, but I got to it as quick as …

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Bewitched by Darynda Jones

Title: Bewitched Author: Darynda Jones Series: Betwixt and Between #2 A filler episode, but still entertaining Thank you so much to Diane Crawford for letting me invite myself on the blog tour, LOL, and thank you to Darynda Jones for allowing me to read an ARC! (I believe she’s also the publisher but in case I have that wrong, thank you also to Feather and Leaf, LLC.) You know those TV show episodes that don’t have much to do with …

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