Those Sneaky Attendants

Wrong again! Those sneaky, sneaky attendants–I never noticed them anywhere in the movie until I started studying scenes and watching closely. Ironically, I paid more attention to the camouflaged guards than the very visible attendants. Not only were they in the first scene with Snoke, they were there later, too. They were there when Ren brought Rey to Snoke. They were there when Snoke started monologuing. And then they’re just gone, and you don’t see them again. Guess it was …

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I was wrong! We do see the attendants in TLJ. They’re barely noticeable in Ren’s first scene in Snoke’s throne room. See them in the middle there by the oculus? Their glowing eye lenses. So creepy. Still don’t know where they were during the fight with the Praetorian guard, though.

The Attendants

On Snoke’s page in the TLJ visual dictionary, there is a picture of a tall creature draped in a deep purple robe. You can see nothing but the robe and two glowing circles where their eyes should be, and very faintly, a buggy-looking face. I don’t recall seeing them or hearing about them in the film, so either it’s from deleted material or it’s just fun information for the dictionary. Wookieepedia says they were considered for TFA and Rogue One, …

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