Spring Forward by Catherine Anderson

Title: Spring Forward

Author: Catherine Anderson

Series: Mystic Creek #4

— Stars

Boring, didn’t finish

I really don’t like reviewing a book I didn’t finish, so I won’t rate it (except on Amazon I have to in order to leave a review, so I gave a neutral three), but I did want to share my thoughts on the third I did read. Anderson’s a great writer, mechanically, and it’s obvious she puts extra effort into her descriptions. Several times I marveled at her semantic choices; for example, this line: “Then she raced across the ribbon of asphalt bracketed by parked cars.” I had to think about it for a second before I realized she had written, “Tori crossed the street.” It didn’t come off as presumptuous or trying too hard, simply a writer who wants to make her imagery interesting and puts in the work.

But I was so bored. I found her last book boring, too, and it could be that I’m just not in the mood to read love-in-everyday-life stories. Maybe I’m too obsessed with The Last Jedi and Reylo at the moment to appreciate a book like Spring Forward. I liked Crystal, Tanner, and Tuck, they weren’t bad characters, but I didn’t give two shits about their stories. I tried for ten days to get into it…but it just wasn’t happening, and I don’t have time to trudge through a book I don’t care about. So I stopped.

But if what you’re looking for is a nice, down-to-earth romance to read, definitely give this a shot.


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