6 thoughts on “Sky-walkers”

  1. Have you guys watched the Empire of Dreams documentary? It’s brilliant and so thorough. George talks a little bit about how he changed Starkiller to Skywalker because Starkiller sounded too villainous. But that’s why Star Killer base in TFA was such an awesome Easter egg.

    As for WJ’s theory — there’s a snippet from the new Han/Lando novel coming out “Last Shot” that features adorable baby Ben with new-dad Han and in it Han wonders how it’s possible that this tiny little kid can have such ancient eyes, and how it feels like he’s been waiting around for millennia just to show up at this moment in history.

    So…further evidence, maybe. Hahaha I still think it’s so far fetched but fun to speculate about.

    • I didn’t know about the documentary, but I found it on YouTube – Empire of Dreams: The Story of the ‘Star Wars’ Trilogy. It’s the same runtime that’s listed on IMDb so I assume it’s there in its entirety. Gives me something to watch when I’m working out later, thanks. 🙂

      I knew about that snippet bc WJ did a video on it and zeroed in on exactly the same passage you did. That excerpt is HERE if anyone wants to read it; it’s pretty freaking adorable. I have the book preordered and fully intend to scour it for Ben as soon as it comes next Tuesday. lol Han getting a toddler foot in the face made me grin so wide…then my grin faded as Han mentioned that Ben has trouble sleeping, presumably due to his inner conflict and Snoke. Poor baby 🙁

      But yes, that is a very interesting thing to say–“Little Ben looked up groggily, those dark eyes settling on Han, studying him. Han had no idea how a two-year-old could have such ancient eyes. It was as if Ben had been waiting around for a millennium to show up at just this moment in history.” What other purpose could that passage have than to allude to some truth? I’ve read books in which characters are described as having wise eyes or ancient eyes, and it usually applies to an adult or elder with a lot of life experience; an adolescent or young adult who’s seen too much harsh reality and not enough happy childhood; or a baby who is no ordinary baby. I think all three could suit Ben–but that remains to be seen.

      Btw, anyone who’s really into this god incarnate theory should check out the Charley Davidson Grave series by Darynda Jones. They’re hilarious and so much fun, and the backstory gets more and more mythic with each book.

      Lastly–would they really make us sympathize with and coo over a baby Ben when they intend to put the adult down like a rabid dog? No. If they do, that’s just atrocious–and traumatizing–storytelling. That baby’s getting a happy ending. I also agree with WJ that the Solo movie and these books coming between VIII and IX are probably to make Han’s sacrifice count, to somehow show us that it matters and will factor into IX. We can only assume–hope!–there’s method to LucasFilm’s madness.

  2. I also wonder if part of the original concept did actually have Luke as Vader’s son (instead of the idea that Lucus introduced it after the fact) and that Anakin was darker prior to becoming Vader (ie he earned the name Star Killer). I want to say at one point Vader as we know him was thought to have gotten his injuries from a fighter crash but I have NO idea where I’m pulling that one from – it was probably original theories floating around (like early 80’s theories) or maybe from the Radio Drama – which is a wealth of information in itself. Camie from TLJ prologue was a character in a scene prior to Luke stumbling across the droids. It’s nuts that they pulled that one out…

    • Interesting. I didn’t know any of that! It’s hard to say what was part of the original concept and what Lucas made up along the way–it’s widely debated among fans, I think.

  3. So interesting note…Luke’s original name wasn’t Skywalker…it was Starkiller. Lucus changed it right before production. I don’t necessarily buy the stated reasoning that came out way after the fact – that the Manson murders were too fresh in everyone’s minds and that Luke was supposed to represent light and didn’t want to risk the connotation. The murders happened in 1969 and filming didn’t start until 1976-ish.

    • I didn’t know that, but I doubt that reasoning, too. I would imagine Lucas realized Luke Starkiller sounded completely made-up; Skywalker does a little, too, but it has more of a peaceful, romantic vibe to it. Starkiller sounds aggressive, a little hostile, and kinda makes him sound like a bad guy, so I have to wonder what he originally planned to do with Luke. The myths surrounding Star Wars are just about as interesting as the movies lol


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