Sexy Weapon Flip Gifs!!

A man named Ray made these .gifs just for me cuz he’s a sweetie and my hero and he’s awesome. 😀 Here’s the original post for context in case you didn’t catch it a couple weeks ago.

Feel free to share but please link back to this site and name the creator as Ray.

Normal Pace:

Slow mo:

I got caught up on a bunch of stuff this week—including Season 2 of Jessica Jones and A Series of Unfortunate Events on Netflix—so I plan to start on the Crait fic today.


4 thoughts on “Sexy Weapon Flip Gifs!!”

  1. My ovaries explode watching this. It’s perfection. I’m really glad Ray made this, because ever since you posted about it I’ve been trying to find it, but everything happens so fast. This is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. I’m dying now. See you all in Ben Solo heaven.


What do you think?