Sexy Weapon Flip

I wish I knew how to make a gif! At 1:47:00, during the fight with the guard, Adam Driver does one of the sexiest things I think I’ve ever seen, though I’m sure he didn’t mean for it to be.

So he has that bisento he stole from one of the last two guards he fights, and as the other guard comes up to duel him, he blocks that weapon using both his sabre and the stolen bisento. But the bisento must be top-heavy on the end with the blade, because when he lowers his arm, the bisento has enough momentum that it keeps swinging in a circle. Instead of twisting his arm to try to keep hold of it and fumbling as I would do, he just lets it go then catches it again as it swings around to the correct position. It’s totally smooth and doesn’t interrupt his movements, which means he must have practiced that flip two hundred million times–because surely the bisento did the same thing when they learned the choreography, and he expected it to behave that way during filming.

It’s such a simple thing; I’m sure anyone with an ounce of coordination could do it. And it happens so fast, literally in a split second; I only noticed it when I slowed the playback so I could actually see what was going on for the fic. But for some reason–probably because it’s Adam Driver–it’s fucking hot.

I may or may not be watching it repeatedly in slow-mo.


A nice man named Ray made the gifs for me! Find them here.


What do you think?