Rules of Force Projecting

The Crait fic is up!

But I have questions–has anyone else wondered how the dice were corporeal but Luke wasn’t? Could he control what was corporeal and what wasn’t? And how did the dice linger after Luke stopped projecting? And come on, wouldn’t Leia have kept track of those? Provided she thought they were real–did she know they weren’t?–she’d have kept those safe.

I’ve wondered about this for a while. I don’t at all mind adding Force projection to the Things the Force Can Do list, but I’d appreciate it more if it made sense. Has anyone heard an explanation for it?


3 thoughts on “Rules of Force Projecting”

  1. Heyyyyyy have you peeps seen SOLO?? I want your opinions! Personally, I loved it. It was tons of fun.

  2. No rational explanation, so I’m assuming the Force decided Ben Solo needed a good smack, like Poe-Substitute-Son got Momma Leia’s whiplash treatment. Those disappearing dice were a swift kick in the dingleberries. Don’t piss off the Force; she’s cold-hearted and loves rubbing salt in a festering wound. (And I’m off to read your Crait fic!)


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