Rey Can Access Ben’s Powers?

Amy commented on my post about Rey’s piloting. I meant to just reply there, but it got longer and longer and finally I decided it would be better to make a post of it.

So this was Amy’s comment:

The little I’ve read on Rey’s background in the books and the part of TLJ book that talks about how Rey has access to Ben’s training…I hate what they’re doing to her character. I always believed it was the force that allowed her to pilot the falcon so well during their escape (her and Finn meeting in the hall afterwards commenting on how great each other did…they both seemed really surprised – I took Finn’s surprise as his finding his identity and skill set outside of being a storm trooper and Rey’s as general shock). And by saying she has access to Ben’s training just devalues her abilities. If people would just take a moment to look at the vast arsenal that canon jedi’s have it answers all the questions – ability to understand languages, reflexes, mechanical understanding, “luck”, the list goes on…it’s like everything constantly contradicts itself.

And this was the reply I decided was too long to be just a reply:

Okay, so this is where that notion comes from in the TLJ novel. It’s Rey’s thoughts immediately after their first Force connection, as she’s following Luke up to the temple for his first lesson. She’s remembering her push-back during the interrogation on Starkiller Base, which is when and where all her Force abilities came about. Awakened, if you will.

Rey followed Luke across the grassy saddle above the huts and then up another set of winding stone steps. This staircase followed a rocky prominence that loomed above the island and the sea beyond.

She was still shaken by the manifestation of Kylo Ren, in a place she had come to think of at least as Luke’s sanctuary, even if it wasn’t hers.

After he’d immobilized her on Takodana, Kylo had taken her to Starkiller Base, to pry her memory of the map to Luke out of her head. He had probed her thoughts, sifting and sorting, and seen much that she would have kept from him–him and anybody else.

Her desperate certainty that her abandonment on Jakku had been a mistake, or a grim necessity that would be put right by her lost family, if only she waited long enough and patiently enough. Her terror and despair that she was deluding herself, and would spend her days in solitude, ending up as anonymous bones in the sand. Her dreams of an island amid a trackless ocean–the very island on which she now found herself.

Kylo had rummaged through these hopes and fears, things he had no right to. But as he searched, something had changed. Even as he callously rifled through her mind, he had somehow revealed his own. Rey found herself in his mind even as he invaded hers. She felt his rage, like a ruinous storm that filled his head, and his hatred, and his lust to dominate and humiliate those who had wronged him. But she also felt his hurt, and his loneliness. And his fear–that he would never prove as strong as Darth Vader, the ghost who haunted his dreams.

Kylo had retreated at finding Rey in his head–had practically fled from her. But that had not been the end of that strange, sudden connection. She had seen more–far more. Somehow, almost instinctually, she knew how he accessed some of the powers at his command–even though she didn’t understand them. It was as if his training had become hers, unlocking and flinging open door after door in her mind.

But now Rey couldn’t shut those doors–and she feared what had been set loose.

Kylo had urged her to let him be her teacher–had pleaded with her, almost. She had rejected him–only to be rejected, in turn, by Luke.

Until this morning.

Rey had traveled halfway across teh galaxy so that Luke would help those who needed him so desperately–Leia, Finn, the Resistance, the people of the galaxy. But she also helped he would help her.

Given that context, I don’t think they meant that Rey got practical abilities from Ben, like piloting and fighting. That’s just not how it works. She did both those things long before she got a glimpse into Ben’s head, and you’re right, Amy–to those who are sensitive, the Force affords them something of a sixth sense, and theoretically, that’s what has allowed Rey a level of skill she wouldn’t necessarily have as someone not attuned to the Force. I don’t think her piloting had anything to do with Ben. That was all her: her hours of virtual flight training, knowledge of mechanics, and Force-sensitive instincts, though Rey had no idea she was Force-sensitive.

The above passage is Rey freaking out about the vision of Kylo Ren that just happened; she was afraid that she was unwittingly summoning Kylo Ren, or that, because they’d seen inside each other’s minds, they were somehow able to appear to one another. Which wasn’t that far off. She goes on to hope that Luke’s teachings could help her–presumably to “shut those doors” aka block Kylo, or at least figure out what’s happening and how to control it.

I think of her dialogue: “Something inside me has always been there–but now it’s awake, and I’m afraid. I don’t know what it is, or what to do with it. And I need help.”

“[A]s if his training had become hers”–I think she’s referring to the fact that she was suddenly able to push back and invade his mind. She doesn’t know how, but while he was browsing around her mind like a hipster in the vinyl section, she turned around and did the exact same thing to him.

And then, because she’d done that, she wondered what else she could do and successfully Force-ordered a trooper to let her go. I assume that was one of those powers of Ben’s that she could suddenly, inexplicably, perform. She’d never been trained to do it; but he had.

I remember reading this article that was paraphrasing interesting tidbits from an ARC of the TLJ novel a couple weeks before it came out. One of the topics was: “Rey accesses Kylo’s Force powers, while he accesses her memories.” I’m assuming the passage I quoted was what prompted that paraphrasing, and it was just misleading. I don’t think whoever wrote it understood what he/she read–and then it got passed around and confused people.

I can’t guarantee my understanding is right, but this makes more sense to me. Hope this helps, Amy. 🙂


5 thoughts on “Rey Can Access Ben’s Powers?”

  1. Hey I just had to pop back here and say that I watched Rian’s commentary and at the lightsaber cracking scene he said he intentionally had the saber caught exactly between them, unable to move toward either one, because he wanted us to know that they are absolute equals at that point. They are equally powerful. Rey’s own innate strength exactly matches his. It felt relevant to this discussion, so I wanted to share that. She isn’t drawing anything from him. It’s all her.

    • Thanks, LyricalRiot! That makes the most sense. I’d have been very disappointed if she was just siphoning from him. It would have undermined her character.

      I’ve been meaning to watch it again with the commentary. On the list.

  2. I swear there’s something in the fight scene about tapping his skills – I’m not where I can look it up – but it wasn’t just the comments prior to the book coming out (although that may have led me in the direction of interpreting sections in the book a certain way). And, not sure I really meant that she had Ben’s flying skills – really more about the skills being enhanced via the force instead of just the self taught aspect. Of course I’m also living in my own little world about some of this stuff because I don’t like the general consensus that’s out there…which is why I LOVE reading your pieces – they most closely align with my own thoughts – you just put them to “paper” in such a beautiful way.

    • I reread the fight scene and didn’t see an outright statement about Rey tapping Ben’s skills, but I could just be oblivious to something subtle. She did sense him through the Force and let the Force guide her blade when she got too tired to react quickly–and I could see an argument where she’s able use the Force like that because she tapped his abilities. I know what you mean, though, about wanting her to be strong in her own right without needing to use the Force as a life hack or Ben as a Force hack. I think she’s strong and intelligent on her own, but she can be naive, too. Not ignorant, but naive. It stems from her huge capacity to hope, I think; and the fact that she’s had little experience with the galaxy outside Jakku. She’s got some learning to do, just like Ben.

  3. Yeah, I agree. I don’t think she gets her power from him, or draws on his power, as much as his training sort of “unlocked” abilities in her that she hadn’t known about.

    That line in the novel made me feel a lot of empathy for Rey. Ben knew about his Force potential all his life and through training with both Luke and Snoke went about methodically opening these doors one by one, exploring new abilities through the Force as he developed into them. In contrast Rey, who didn’t believe the Force really existed and had no idea it’s been in her, low-key helping her all her life, experiences a sudden full awakening of it and because of this unexpected foray into Ben’s mind has all of those same doors flung open in her, flooding her with abilities, ideas, and feelings she’s never imagined. It’s exciting but terrifying and overwhelming and she just wants Luke to help her understand it.

    But I don’t think she gets her piloting ability or any other practical skill, or even her Force-ability, from Ben. She just accessed his bank of knowledge to unlock video game skill levels in herself she hadn’t played through. And personally, I don’t think that lessens her character at all. She’s still one of my all-time favorites. I love where her own development is headed, in tandem with Ben’s.


What do you think?