Ravishing in Red by Madeline Hunter

Title: Ravishing in Red

Author: Madeline Hunter

Series: Rarest Blooms #1

a little cliche, otherwise fantastic! worth reading

This book had just about everything—a plucky heroine, a down-to-earth hero (or at least in the last three books he’s the most reasonable of the four), a scene involving a gun, an original reason for how the women knew each other (at least to my knowledge), steamy love scenes, intrigue, a wealth of historical detail (though the extent of my knowledge cannot verify its accuracy), and interesting supporting characters. The only lacking qualities were a cliché plot (man and woman caught in a scandalous situation and forced to marry), and for all the danger and intrigue implied, there wasn’t a good action scene! I kept waiting for someone to get attacked or stabbed or shot, but it only happened very briefly at the beginning, just amounting to the heroine accidentally winging the hero’s arm (bo-ring!).

And it occurs to me, if the series is called Rarest Blooms, shouldn’t the titles be flower-related alliteration too?


What do you think?