Christmas at Lilac Cottage by Holly Martin

Title: Christmas at Lilac Cottage Author: Holly Martin Series: White Cliff Bay #1 Heartwarming and utterly endearing; I found a keeper! I would like to thank Holly Martin and Zaffre Publishing for allowing me to read this novel in exchange for an honest review. Um, I think I just found a new favorite. Penny Meadows is lonely. When she finds new tenants to stay in her annexe, she’s excited to make new friends with the married couple. She quickly discovers, …

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Because I’m Watching by Christina Dodd

Title: Because I’m Watching Author: Christina Dodd Series: Virtue Falls #3 Faith restored in Dodd, who now writes more suspense than romance I was really worried about Dodd after Obsession Falls, but Because I’m Watching restored my faith in her storytelling capabilities. I wonder now if I was simply jarred by her switch in genre, because I can see her talent and skill, but these kind of books just aren’t what I associated with Dodd in my head. I do …

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Frost Line by Linda Howard and Linda Jones

Title: Frost Line Authors: Linda Howard and Linda Jones Series: n/a Fascinating, heartwarming story but unfocused; also, Elsa much? When seven-year-old Elijah Tilley accidentally asks the tarot entity Strength for help, Lenna Frost is pulled from her world onto Earth. She’s completely out of her depth, but she vows to keep Elijah safe, receiving aid from Caine, a Hunter sent to fetch Lenna back to her world. I had to ruminate on this book for a little while after I …

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Sunrise Crossing by Jodi Thomas

Title: Sunrise Crossing Author: Jodi Thomas Series: Ransom Canyon #4 A good, solid addition to the Ransom Canyon series As far as I can tell, Jodi Thomas is one of the few authors making a go of the romances that tell the stories of not one couple at a time, but several couples living within the same town/county/area, and she does it well. The writing in Sunrise Crossing was excellent. The main pair: Yancy Grey, a character we met way …

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First Star I See Tonight by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Title: First Star I See Tonight Author: Susan Elizabeth Phillips Series: Chicago Stars #8 first half is SEP at her best. tone and agenda change in second Piper Dove owns a struggling detective agency. She becomes involved with Cooper Graham, freshly retired quarterback of the Chicago Stars, when she’s hired to investigate him. Not long after they meet, he’s hiring her himself for a whole list of reasons, one of which happens to be figuring out who is mugging him …

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Curious Minds by Janet Evanovich and Phoef Sutton

Title: Curious Minds Authors: Janet Evanovich and Phoef Sutton Series: Knight and Moon #1 a fun romp with an intriguing plot but leaves one wanting something more This book seemed to come out of nowhere; Janet and her co-authors are all in the middle of series already, so the last thing I expected was a new one. Maybe the Lizzie and Diesel series isn’t selling like they hoped. Regardless, it’s an Evanovich book, so I was game. And overall, it …

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Lost Among the Living by Simone St. James

Title: Lost Among the Living Author: Simone St. James Series: n/a Not as spooky or creative as previous work, but I enjoyed it 🙂 I would give this a solid four stars, except Alex wins that entire fifth star himself. I loved Alex. He was a complicated guy, torn between his duty, his pride, and his love for his wife. This book wasn’t as spooky as some of her other books–not nearly as spooky as An Inquiry Into Love and …

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Darkness by Karen Robards

Title: Darkness Author: Karen Robards Series: n/a Interesting original story, lots of beautiful detail, a solid win for Robards This book was fantastic! I have only three or four-ish problems with it, and honestly, they’re nitpicking, because it was overall a solid piece of work, in my opinion. I may reveal a few spoilers. First and most inconsequential, the cover design. It’s beautiful, I absolutely love it–hot pink is my favorite color!–but it 100% clashes with the content and the …

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Built by Jay Crownover

Title: Built Author: Jay Crownover Series: Saints of Denver #1 Three-dimentional, complex but relatable heroine; smart, sexy, mature hero; and a seriously cute kid 🙂 I discovered Jay Crownover last summer and listened to all her books on audiobook in quick succession. I loved them, I thought they were absolutely sensational, and I was sooo excited for Zeb and Sayer’s story! But Built is the first of her books I’ve read in print form, and never before did I realize …

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New Leaf by Catherine Anderson

Title: New Leaf Author: Catherine Anderson Series: Mystic Creek #2 Charming, cozy, and heartwarming–the perfect book to read curled up by the fire What a charming story! I was impressed. I can’t give a very authoritative review of her last book a year ago, Silver Thaw–the one that started this new series–but I remember thinking that the writing seemed a bit sloppy, just not as spectacular as I had come to expect from an author whose work I’ve collected for …

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