Damn It, Poe

So I’ve watched TLJ several times since I got it last week, and I swear I pick up more details every fricken time. It just occurred to me tonight that Poe was indirectly responsible for killing more Resistance members throughout the movie than I realized at first. The bombing fleet in the beginning, obviously, but also the Resistance transports that got blown up. If he’d trusted his superior and hadn’t panicked and gone rogue, sending Finn and Rose off to …

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Reylo Evidence Videos

I was cruising Pinterest when I should have been doing something productive and came across a post mentioning a YouTuber named Vincent Vendetta and his videos on Reylo. I liked that he was a guy Reylo shipper and checked out his videos. They’re pre-TLJ, but they are brilliant. He covers some clues from TFA I never noticed and considers parallels I didn’t even know existed. There are three videos, the first two all relevant, but the third one’s only relevant …

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Other Opinions on TLJ

I’ve watched TLJ with my mom, as well as my brother and sister-in-law. Their reactions were underwhelming. [end credits] Me: So what did you think? Mom: Better than I expected. Me, waits a beat: That’s it? Mom, scrambling to form opinions: It’s too bad Luke’s dead. Me: Uh-huh. Mom: And so Leia’s evil son is in charge now? Me: You think he’s evil? Mom, wary, like she’s wondering if this is a test: Yes? Me: *sighs* [end credits] Me: So …

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Episode IX

It occurs to me–what if, in IX, Ben and Rey lose everything, and they’re drawn back into each other’s company just so they aren’t alone? What if history repeats itself, only this time, they have each other to fall back on, however reluctantly? Because Lucas himself has said Star Wars is all about the poetry. What if Ben gets kicked out of the First Order, left for dead or something, just like he was more or less kicked out of …

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How Do You Turn On a Lightsabre?

You know, I get so confused when it comes to how lightsabres work. Do you have to press a button, or can you ignite it using the Force? Maybe both? I know in TFA Finn mistakenly pressed the button that adjusts the length of the blade on Luke’s sabre instead of the activation matrix. Fans noticed and I think it was Pablo Hidalgo who admitted it was a mistake. Now I’m studying the fight scene, and Ren doesn’t seem to …

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Those Sneaky Attendants

Wrong again! Those sneaky, sneaky attendants–I never noticed them anywhere in the movie until I started studying scenes and watching closely. Ironically, I paid more attention to the camouflaged guards than the very visible attendants. Not only were they in the first scene with Snoke, they were there later, too. They were there when Ren brought Rey to Snoke. They were there when Snoke started monologuing. And then they’re just gone, and you don’t see them again. Guess it was …

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Underestimating Reylo

It occurs to me that the editors of the TLJ novel probably knew Reylos wouldn’t like it, and that’s why the first words of the jacket blurb are, “Written with input from director Rian Johnson…” Like we would read that and think, “Oh, well this must be how Rian intended it, then. I guess the sexual tension was all in my head.” You underestimate Reylo. It will be your downfall.      

Summoning Sabres

Does anyone else ever imagine the Jedi summoning their sabres like Thor summons Mjol-nir? He just holds out his hand, and that hammer will tear through any obstacles between them until it’s nestled in his palm. I’m imagining a scene similar to the one in Ragnarok when Thor speaks with Dr. Strange—Rey standing in a corridor aboard the Supremacy, facing a group of Stormtroopers. As they rush for her, she thrusts her hand out to the side. The troopers stop, …

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Reylo Made the Grand Canyon

I was scrolling through writing prompts on Pinterest and came across this one. Literally the first thought in my head was, “It’s already been told. It’s called Reylo.”


Am I the only one who starts humming “Reflection” from Mulan every time I think about Rey and the mirror in the cave?