Don Quixote Trailer

So this came out today:   I can’t stop giggling. It looks like so much fun! I can already see all the shots of Driver that will be manipulated into Reylo art.

Marry in Scandal (Marriage of Convenience #2) by Anne Gracie

Title: Marry in Scandal Author: Anne Gracie Series: Marriage of Convenience #2 Uninspired plot saved by endearing characters I would like to thank Anne Gracie, Berkley/Penguin Random House, and NetGalley for allowing me to read an ARC in exchange for an honest review. The charm of the characters saved this novel. The plot is lazy: A man with a gambling debt absconds with a young, naive heiress to Gretna Green to marry her and inherit her fortune, but some kind …

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Interview with Jamey Bradbury (The Wild Inside)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper The Wild Inside by Jamey Bradbury is part paranormal, part thriller, and part horror. This debut novel is very character driven, specifically with the protagonist Tracy Petrikoff, where readers wonder if everything that happens to her is driven by her imagination, some delusions, or was indeed reality. People meet Tracy, a natural born hunter and trapper who loves the Alaskan wilderness, where she spends her days in the remote forest by her house. She …

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Wayward Jedi’s TLJ Novel Review

Thanks again, Monica, for pointing me in this guy’s direction. Dude’s a fricken genius. His review of TLJ was fascinating, and he just posted his commentary on the TLJ novel. I encourage anyone who’s interested in Reylo or the mythology of Star Wars as a whole to listen to it. I saw little to no Reylo in the novel, but he saw Reylo and Save Ben Solo everywhere. I don’t hate the book as much now after he took me …

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Rey Can Access Ben’s Powers?

Amy commented on my post about Rey’s piloting. I meant to just reply there, but it got longer and longer and finally I decided it would be better to make a post of it. So this was Amy’s comment: The little I’ve read on Rey’s background in the books and the part of TLJ book that talks about how Rey has access to Ben’s training…I hate what they’re doing to her character. I always believed it was the force that …

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Ben is Anakin’s Rebirth?

The lovely Monica Perle responded to my post recommending Vincent Vendetta’s Reylo videos on YouTube and recommended more videos by Wayward Jedi. I checked them out. This was my experience. Wayward Jedi: I believe Kylo Ren and Rey are Anakin and Padme reborn.   Okay, I know Star Wars is supposed to be mythopoetic, but that’s taking it a bit far.       *starts to think about all the Pinterest posts I’ve seen drawing parallels to the prequels but …

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Sexy Weapon Flip

I wish I knew how to make a gif! At 1:47:00, during the fight with the guard, Adam Driver does one of the sexiest things I think I’ve ever seen, though I’m sure he didn’t mean for it to be. So he has that bisento he stole from one of the last two guards he fights, and as the other guard comes up to duel him, he blocks that weapon using both his sabre and the stolen bisento. But the …

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Savage Rey

I just realized–when that guard catches Rey’s sabre in his whip–well, for one thing, why didn’t she just deactivate her sabre before he got his hand around her throat?–but regardless, when she gets around the guard and pulls her sabre through him, she brings the whip with her, meaning she pulls it through his body, then flings it at the curtain and sets it on fire. That is so badass. And gross. But mostly badass.    

Awkward Close-Up

How awkward it must have been to have a camera shoved up your nose. I mean, I love the shot, but thinking about it from Adam’s pov… I can’t stop giggling.

TLJ Timing Issues

The timing doesn’t add up to me. How did Snoke and Ben know anything about the transports or Crait? DJ doesn’t make his deal until long after Rey and Ren are already in the throne room, or so it was presented to us. We don’t see Snoke get informed of the development, so how did he know about the transports, and how did he know when they actually launched (bc they didn’t even launch until after Finn and Poe were …

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