Mornings on Main by Jodi Thomas

Title: Mornings on Main Author: Jodi Thomas Series: n/a mostly about theme but the story and characters grew on me Not gonna lie, I approached this book with reluctance. Another quilting/knitting/sewing mainstream wannabe literary novel? That trend started over a decade ago and largely died off two or three years ago. Another story about a small town with a quaint little B&B and a family dealing with a heartbreaking illness that’s slowly sucking the life out of the matriarch/patriarch? Another …

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And I Will Not Be the Last Jedi

*speaking like a tour guide* And here we have Ben Solo’s expression immediately following Luke’s line: “The Rebellion is reborn today. The war is just beginning. And I will not be the last Jedi.” Note the worry in his brow–he’s doubting himself, doubting his efforts, doubting his victory. Panic swirls in his eyes; for years he was convinced that killing Luke was the ultimate solution to his problems. But now he realizes–Luke is no longer the biggest threat. Killing him …

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Annoying TLJ Shot

This is one of those days for me–I just keep finding stuff to talk about. Like this shot–it’s bothered me since I saw it in theatres. Could it look any more like a video game? Especially Luke; he kinda looks like he just came straight from the animated Clone Wars show. The mountains in the distance don’t look fully rendered, and they hoped the dust blowing away would keep us from noticing. Admittedly, I know nothing–this could very well be …

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Can the Galaxy Forgive Ben?

LyricalRiot asked if I’d seen Wayward Jedi’s recent video on Ben’s redemption. I started to reply as a comment, then decided the topic merited its own post. Yes, I did see it, and I was going to post about it, but I didn’t want you guys to get sick of me just parroting someone else’s thoughts. But since you asked… I agreed with the general points WJ made. I think he oversimplified the crimes that Ben’s committed as Kylo Ren, …

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How Did Rey Know Vader Was Redeemed?

So… I don’t think anyone but Luke knew that Vader died redeemed. He told Leia, and presumably Han, after the fact, but I don’t think anyone else knew. So then how did Snoke and Rey know? A million guesses as to Snoke, but Rey… I can only assume Leia told her before Rey took off to find Luke. Hmm….

The Look on His Face…

So I slowed the playback during the Crait scene to try to catch some of Ben’s facial expressions to help me figure out what he might be thinking. I paused it at the precise moment he saw the Falcon and half a second before he ordered it shot down. I thought he might look surprised to see the ship, but I did not expect…this. I had to share it with you guys. I think I’m dying inside. Damn it, Rey, …

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Laird of the Black Isle by Paula Quinn

Title: Laird of the Black Isle Author: Paula Quinn Series: Highland Heirs #7 Could have been better but who cares because MACGREGORS!! I would like to thank Paula Quinn, Forever/Hachette Book Group, and NetGalley for allowing me to read an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Two years ago, Lachlan MacKenzie, Laird of the Black Isle, tucked himself away in his dark, empty castle to mourn the murders of his wife and four-year-old daughter. He provides for his tenants, …

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Something that just occurred to me because I’m an idiot who doesn’t notice as many details as I like to think I do: Skywalkers. They who walk in the sky. Who do we know who walks in the sky? Gods. And WJ’s theory just became that much more compelling.

Sexy Weapon Flip Gifs!!

A man named Ray made these .gifs just for me cuz he’s a sweetie and my hero and he’s awesome. 😀 Here’s the original post for context in case you didn’t catch it a couple weeks ago. Feel free to share but please link back to this site and name the creator as Ray. Normal Pace: Slow mo: I got caught up on a bunch of stuff this week—including Season 2 of Jessica Jones and A Series of Unfortunate Events …

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Interview with Joan Johnston (Surrender)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper Surrender by Joan Johnston is a romantic western. The main characters, Brian and Taylor have a history, they dated in high school. Playing on the Hatfield/McCoy feud, Johnston has the fathers hate each other. The plot begins with the protagonists forced to land the plane in the middle of a wild fire. With disaster looming, they must struggle to survive. Injured and starving, the threat of imminent death reignites something deep and powerful between …

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