Lost Among the Living by Simone St. James

Title: Lost Among the Living

Author: Simone St. James

Series: n/a

Not as spooky or creative as previous work, but I enjoyed it 🙂

I would give this a solid four stars, except Alex wins that entire fifth star himself. I loved Alex. He was a complicated guy, torn between his duty, his pride, and his love for his wife. This book wasn’t as spooky as some of her other books–not nearly as spooky as An Inquiry Into Love and Death, unfortunately–and it had a slow, boring start, as well as a very obvious culprit and uninspired plot, but I enjoyed it because I just plain enjoy St. James’ writing style and rhythm, as well as her characters. Her heroine/protagonist always has an interesting attitude, and the men are unexpectedly charming. The flashback chapters didn’t bother me, they were actually some of my favorites because they contained Alex 😉 I was rather annoyed that she didn’t give us more of an epilogue, although I understand why she didn’t.

If you’re a fan of St. James, you’ll like this book. If you’re new to her, I recommend starting with An Inquiry Into Love and Death.


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