Lines from TFA Novel

These aren’t necessarily theories, but I feel like these parts of the TFA novel (© Alan Dean Foster and LucasFilm) don’t get talked about enough. Yes, I know the movies trump the books in the canon food chain, but the books are still canon, so I will continue to obsess over them.

In the novel’s interrogation scene:

“Where are the others? The ones who were fighting with me?”

He sniffed disdainfully. “You mean the traitors, murderers, and thieves you call friends? Consider carefully now: I could easily tell you they were all killed, righteously slain in battle. But I would prefer to be honest with you from the beginning. You will be relieved to hear that as far as their current status and well-being is concerned—I have no idea.”

Oh, yeah, he’s totally lying to her about her parents. (sarcasm) In the TFA novel he baffles over her lack of pedigree several times–it’s rather funny.  Even he didn’t believe it at first:

“Something.” He sounded mystified. “There is something… Who are you?

Shutting down and belting his lightsaber, Ren contemplated his immobile captive. Reaching up slowly, he touched her face. The pressure he applied was not physical. Refusing to meet his gaze, she looked away, straining with the agony of resistance, hardly daring to breathe. If only she could get a hand free, a leg—but no part of her body responded to her commands.

Surprised by what he was finding, Ren lowered his hand. Relieved of the mental intrusion, she sucked in great, long draughts of air. His brows drew together and a reluctance to believe his own findings colored his comments.

“Is it true, then? You’re nothing special at all? You’re just a—Jakku scavenger?”


“Is it true?” he finally asked. “You’re just a scavenger?” She didn’t respond, and, perhaps sensing her embarrassment, he changed the subject. “Tell me about the droid.”


“Somehow, you convinced the droid to show it to you. You. A simple, solitary scavenger. How is that?”


There was as much curiosity in Surpreme Leader Snoke’s voice as there was disappointment. “This scavenger—this girl—resisted you?”

“That’s all she is, yes. A scavenger from that inconsequential Jakku. Completely untrained, but strong with the Force. Stronger than she knows.” His mask off, Ren replied with what seemed to be his usual assurance. No one else would have sensed a difference. Snoke did.

The Supreme Leader’s voice was flat. “You have compassion for her.”

“No—never. Compassion? For an enemy of the Order?”

“I perceive the problem,” Snoke intoned. “It isn’t her strength that is making you fail. It’s your weakness.” The rebuke hurt, but Ren didn’t show it.

Sorry, Ren, but you’re just oozing compassion for Rey. You leave a trail of roses and baby animals behind you. I mean, you’re just so gentle with her while she spits and hisses at you (justifiably so; beside the point). Just that damn ambition gets in your way.

“Where am I?”

“Does the physical location really matter so much?” In Kylo Ren’s voice there was unexpected gentleness. Not quite sympathy, but something less than the hostility with which he had confronted her in the forest. “You’re my guest.”

With an ease that was more frightening than any physical approach, he waved casually in her direction. A couple of clicks, and the restraints fell away from her arms. She tried to take the demonstration in stride as she rubbed her wrists.

In the movie, the “you’re my guest” line always seemed strangely perky and friendly to me, but in the novel it feels more natural. I feel like in the book they could allow Ren to be sensitive and gentle, but in the movie they had to try to maintain his menace, so the movie gave off weird vibes as it toed the line. This is also why in the book he freed her from the restraints and in the movie he didn’t.

“I know you’ve seen the map,” he repeated. “It’s what I need. At the moment, it is all that I need.” When she maintained her silence he almost sighed. “I can take whatever I want.”

Her muscles tightened. “Then you don’t need me to tell you anything.”

“True.” He rose, resigned. “I would have preferred to avoid this. Despite what you may believe, it gives me no pleasure. I will go as easily as possible—but I will take what I need.”

To be fair, I do have to mention that in the book he lets her drop to the ground when he knocks her out on Takodana. Broke my heart a little when I read it.

The squad leader saluted, lingered a moment to look on in fascination as at a gesture from Ren the young woman standing motionless before him collapsed, and then he hastened to replay the command lest his interest in something that was none of his business be noticed. He had no wish to join the woman on the ground in a state of oblivion.

As he looked around for more stragglers, Finn found his attention drawn to a singular figure striding through the edge of the forest. He almost looked away before catching sight of and identifying the burden the cloaked officer was carrying into a shuttle of atypical design.

It doesn’t specify if Ren carried her aboard bridal-style or not, but I’m going to believe so.

When it’s not busy being aggressively ambiguous (I really like that phrase), the TFA novel can be quite insightful.


What do you think?