Laser Pointer (get it? *snorts*)

Why do you supposed Ren looks down his blade like this? I assumed it was his way of focusing, kinda like one would use a scope, but I can see it being just a threatening gesture, like that aggressive stomp he does when he ignites his sabre in TLJ and the TFA teaser trailer (0:50). Like an “I’m coming for you” sort of thing. Or maybe it’s both. Or could it be a martial arts thing? Just wondering what you guys thought about it. That it’s sexy is a given. 😉


4 thoughts on “Laser Pointer (get it? *snorts*)”

  1. It’s a defensive ward position that he’s made more intimidating by bringing the saber level with his face. From his opponent’s POV, it greatly reduces the amount of visible blade, creating a more difficult weapon to anticipate and block. Simultaneously, it creates a defensive pivot point for the tip of Kylo’s lightsaber. From this position, he can parry any incoming blow from a melee weapon (like another lightsaber) and aggressively counterattack in any direction. Plus, it’s sexy as hell.

  2. Ahh…the aggressive stomp…love that. He unhooks his lightsaber and ignites it in one fluid motion while getting into a fighting stance. I think it may be my favorite part of his movements. Although I also like the twirl he does (that Rey now mimics).

    I’ve seen others do the same “look down a sword move” and I think it’s generally when there are multiple attackers. I’ve always assumed it was something that allowed them to size up their attackers without giving them a clue as to what they’re going to do. You’d never attack like that. If you’re making a split second plan with a sword/saber up by your head your attacker knows at the very least you’re next move is probably a downward swing and can easily block.


What do you think?