Interview with Victoria Schade (Who Rescued Who)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper

Who Rescued Who by Victoria Schade is a heartwarming novel. Intertwined throughout the story is how family, friends, including the furry four leg types, can make an imprint on someone’s life. Readers will love the interaction between the charming town and characters.

At the beginning of the book, the main character, Elizabeth, gets fired from her social media job. Having been addicted to social media herself, she feels lost and abandoned. But coming to her rescue are lost relatives, an aunt and uncle, that tell her she has inherited some land in England. Elizabeth decides to travel to the small town of Fargrove, a place where her father grew up, to sell the land, and use the money. The theme of the book shows how the number of likes you get on social media isn’t as important as actually interacting with people in person. Real life relationships can be worth so much more than those online, as Elizabeth finds out since the town has limited access to technology.

Another lesson Elizabeth receives is from a few four-legged friends. One day in the pouring rain she comes upon a freezing abandoned puppy. This lovable puppy helps her to connect with a tight-knit community of new friends, from the aunt and uncle she didn’t know existed, to a grumpy coffee shop owner to two very opinionated sheep, to a romance with a pub owner.

This is one of those stories that will engage readers. It is an uplifting story of connections and relationships that should be read by everyone.

Elise Cooper: How did you get the idea for the story?

Victoria Schade: I started to think how we are tethered to our cell phones. My main character, Elizabeth, lives her life on-line. Because of this she is unable to connect to people and cannot form real relationships. I think the story plays into the cell phone addiction many of us have. When I took her job away from Elizabeth it enabled me to open her up to new people and experiences.

EC: Are you a dog lover?

VS: Of course. My previous job experience was as a family dog trainer. I would go to my clients’ homes to teach dogs good manners. I worked with all breeds of dogs and all kinds of people. It made for some good writing content. I would always say that using clicker training and treats work well.

EC: What role do the dogs play in the story?

VS: In all my books, dogs play so many different roles. They are confidants, best friends, confidence boosters, and liaisons.

EC: How would you describe Elizabeth?

VS: She is socially stunted, prickly, and closed herself off. This is due to losing her mother during her formative teenage years and having a father who was distant. I think going to Fargrove and meeting all those in the tight-knit community allowed her to realize who she truly is.

EC: Did you base the artist, Uncle Rowan Barnes on anybody?

VS: I am a huge art nerd. I was inspired by the landscape artist Andrew Wyeth. I did not realize he actually painted portraits early on in his career, especially one female in particular. Rowan’s work was based on the artist Ronaldo Minucci.

EC: How did you get the descriptions of the Fargrove town?

VS: It is based upon the quaint, charming, and amazing towns in England. I spent a semester there while in college so I was able to take elements from the different places I went to.

EC: The role of social media?

VS: Readers might think that Elizabeth was so into herself because of all the selfies she took. But she is actually a very generous person. She helped those in need from the abandoned puppy to her uncle, and even her mother who died. Social media was her art canvas, with her photographs a way she could express her creativity. At first, social media gave Elizabeth’s followers an unrealistic perspective of her life. Even though her life was going to hell, on social media it appeared she had a fabulous life.

EC: The puppy Georgina is so cute?

VS: She, unlike Elizabeth, has confidence and loves everyone. She became an ice-breaker, a way for Elizabeth to start a conversation. I think the puppy showed her how to interact. She also showed that you can be liked and loved for who you are, not who you appear to be. The title comes in because Georgina modeled behavior for Elizabeth, helping her to step out of her shell, and Elizabeth literally rescued Georgina.

EC: Bess versus Elizabeth?

VS: Names are important. Her uncle gave her the name Bess and much to Elizabeth’s chagrin everyone in the community used it. Bess was who she could be, while Elizabeth was who she is now. Once, she herself, calls herself Bess readers see how she embraced who she became.

EC: San Francisco versus Fargrove?

VS: It represents life before versus life after. There is a contrast between the new-new-new and the traditional. Elizabeth called the town of Fargrove Disney precious, too cute. SF had the Internet speed, while Fargrove in many places had no Internet connection.

EC: What about video games?

VS: I do not understand the appeal. Even though it is a male-dominated industry, in this book, the original firm Elizabeth worked for, “Duchess Games,” was female dominated. I think the story shows the dark side of technology through these games. Especially the virtual reality games, which has people cut off from society.

EC: What do you want readers to get out of the story?

VS: Hang up their phone, get off of the computer, and take a dog for a walk. People need to recognize the power of a transformative magic that a relationship with a dog can provide.

EC: Your next book?

VS: It is based upon the work I have done for various animal TV shows, including “Puppy Bowl” on the Animal Planet station. I based the next book on someone who has a dog working on a show. Hopefully, it will come out next year.



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