Interview with Suzanne Woods Fisher (Lost and Found)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper

Lost and Found by Suzanne Woods Fisher has a story that looks at change and how someone faces that change. There are hints of romance, dashes of humor, and some drama. Most of the characters in the story explore difficult choices. There is conflict between the Liberal Beachy Amish order, and the more conservative Amish order plus the conflict between those who want to protect the bird sanctuary of Wonder Lake and those who want to build a church, and the conflict between medical doctors and Amish parents.

The best part of the story has the heroine, Trudy Yoder, questioning her judgement of falling for Micah Weaver. They were best friends, and it appeared the relationship could go beyond that when he decides to pick up and leave without telling her why. Those who read the related first book, A Season on the Wind, will understand that Micah had strong feelings for Trudy’s sister, Shelley until she left to pursue a music career. Now he receives a message from Shelley to rescue her. After he finds her and brings her back to the Amish town of Stony Ridge things come to a head.

The story delves into loyalty, devotion, community, and love. It is insightful, inspiring, and thought-provoking with the information provided. A bonus for those who love birds is the bird log entry at the end of each chapter, along with a birder’s glossary.

Elise Cooper: This book is another genre then your Ice Cream Series books?

Suzanne Woods Fisher: My grandfather was raised “plain” so I do have a connection. I have many cousins who dress plain and are raised plain. The door opened for me to write a non-fiction book about the Amish. I have written historical fiction as well as contemporary women’s fiction. This is how things have progressed for me.

EC: How did you get the idea for the story?

SWF: I wanted to understand how the Amish relate to each other within the different spectrums from ultra-conservative to very progressive. Those I write about are a little more central. This book brings in both sides that work with each other. Historically there is a concern that the liberal churches would tempt the children away. What is interesting is that the older orders would not have conflicts with the other orders but pack up and move off. This is something I explored. The conservative order sent a scouting team to Tennessee.

EC: Why the bird angle?

SWF: Going back two books there is a novel I wrote titled A Season on the Wind. I know that the Amish revere nature, particularly birds. They are stellar bird watchers. They just use patience, maybe expensive scopes. Micah was in that book, a bird lover who also stutters. He is a listener. The little girl in the story is Trudy who is also crazy about birds, but also adores Micah. This current book is not a sequel but a companion book. In the first book Micah wrote bird logs, the kind of bird and descriptions. In this book, Trudy wrote the bird logs. Trudy likes the songbirds, while Micah likes the raptors.

EC: What was the role of Shelley?

SWF: In A Season on the Wind, she disappears to pursue a music career and broke Micah’s heart. She is Trudy’s sister. In this book, she is leaving him cryptic messages asking for help. Little by little he gets sucked into finding her. He does this by using his birding skills. She was flamboyant and flashy.

EC: How would you describe Micah?

SWF: The silent type because of his stuttering. He is a loner, dependable, sometimes overreacts. He is extremely intelligent and gifted.

EC: How would you describe Trudy?

SWF: She is like the bird, a sparrow. She is plain, loyal, reliable, observant, curious, and likes to take charge. She is easy to overlook. She has a lot of attention to detail.

EC: How did Trudy’s parents react to her?

SWF: She gets taken for granted. She is very faithful and can be counted on. Her older sister was the focal point of the family. The parents were overprotective of Shelley because of her special needs and by doing this pushed Trudy aside. She has always been the sister in the background.

EC: The Amish bishop was very supportive of Shelley getting medical help?

SWF: He told her parents to get on board with what the medical doctor advised. I based it on a similar situation within my extended family. The parents want to keep everything under wraps and secret. A lot of pride gets involved with a little shame. In the story the bishop and the doctor were the voice of reason.

EC: What about the relationship between Trudy and Micah?

SWF: She makes him feel special. He opened her eyes to birds. They are best friends. She is absolutely devoted to Micah. She does not notice his flaws and just sees who he is deep down with a lot of admiration. They both love to go to Wonder Lake in the town because rare birds are there.

EC: Next books?

SWF: The third ice cream book comes out in May titled Love on a Whim. It picks up where the second book left off with family drama, ice cream, and Cape Cod.

The next Amish book comes out in October featuring the doctor who is helping Shelley in this story. The doctor was raised Amish. She knows them well and speaks the language. There will be other romances in the story. But the main part of the plot is how she is relating to the Amish with events in their lives.

I am also writing four novellas about three young girls working in a flower shop. Something dreadful happens there and the girl’s scatter. In the first three novellas each girl is featured as they return to their hometown. The fourth novella will wrap up all stories up and will release as a printed book with all the novellas.



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