Interview with Melinda Curtis (Caught by the Cowboy Dad)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper

Caught by the Cowboy Dad by Melinda Curtis shows why she is the best at writing relationship stories. Readers take a journey with the characters as they struggle through their feelings and must decide if second chances really exist.

The plot has Holden Monroe coming to grips with his seventeen-year-old son Devin leaving for college, an ex-girlfriend, Dr. Bernadette Carlisle, expecting his baby, and having to deal with his financial losses. All of these have caused anxiety that has manifested itself in what looked like a heart attack but was a panic attack.

Although not wanting to make his anxiety worse, Bernadette realizes that she and Holden must talk about how the baby will be raised. She decides to accept what she perceives as an invitation to take a road trip with Holden and Devin. Readers will enjoy the banter between all three. Holden wants to be a “obligation” dad, Bernadette wants a custody agreement, and Devin wants to see the two get together.

Being a strong, independent woman, she knows what she wants, and will accept nothing less from this stubborn man who is not at the top of his game. She is also a successful OB/GYN practice in Ketchum which she is trying to sell to become Second Chance’s doctor, where Holden is situated. She refuses to accept Holden’s marriage proposals because it is obvious it does not include love.

Melinda uses humor, emotion, and life’s challenges to write realistic plots and characters.

Elise Cooper: Idea for the series?

Melinda Curtis: My dad passed away and he had a list of crazy items to be given away to different people. For example, a hunting rifle used to go Elk hunting was given away to a waitress in an Idaho small town. He always stopped there to have a cup of coffee on his drive to his summer vacation home. There were also a bunch of other random items. I thought what if people inherited something odd. So, I had a bunch of grandchildren inherit a town.

EC: Why anxiety?

MC: I wanted to show how it can have people unfocused, not able to concentrate, and feel like something is pressing on your chest. It happened to me when everything in my family’s life changed. We were going to sell our house in California and be closer to our children in Oregon. Covid hit as we were listing our house. I can relate to being about to multi-task and having chest pressure because of all these life changes. It was extremely stressful.

EC: What about this book?

MC: I set up the romance for this story in book three or four. Holden was the silver fox hero, thirty-eight years old. My husband just had a heart attack, so I thought to give Holden a wake-up call. I was reading about those in their thirties, some police and military people who had a heart attack in their thirties. Harlequin wanted me to not give him a true heart attack, so I gave Holden anxiety with panic attacks.

EC: Do you like to write large families?

MC: This series specifically has a large family. I prefer to write smaller families because it is easier to keep track of. It is hard to wrap everything up, to remember what everyone looks like.

EC: How would you describe Holden?

MC: He should have been born a Yuppie. Now people are not as accepting of wealth and success. He had a big shift because he had to feel more relaxed and comfortable in his own skin. He is proud, strong, stubborn, and wants to be manly. Pride was a huge factor because he must admit to everyone, he lost all this money. Holden is into himself.

EC: How would you describe Bernadette?

MC: Curious. She wants to be a country doctor because she will be a single mom, thinking about her priorities. She is comfortable within herself. She is a doctor I would love to have, compassionate and a great listener. She is a straight-talker, sarcastic where Holden is concerned, but also honest, warm, and very smart.

EC: What about the relationship between Holden and Bernadette?

MC: She is special and realizes that she would want her man to be happy. She considers family very important and is willing to find her way. They are navigating how things will be. I do not see them in the small town past the birth of the baby. Everybody had to hit him over the head to realize how much he cared for her.

EC: The role of Devin, Holden’s child?

MC: He was a pressure point by adding some conflict to the situation. I, as a parent, also thought that once my child is out of high school and off to college my job is essentially done. Holden realized Devin wants to be independent and that his job isn’t necessarily done. Yet, at times he switched roles with Holden as to who is the parent and who is the child. He gave advice.

EC: You had a book made into a movie?

MC: I wrote a book titled Dandelion Wishes, Harmony Valley series novel one. It was a small town winery book. It was one of my more serious books. It has real conflict. The movie is called Love in Harmony Valley and stars Amber Marshall from the Heartland series. She is a fantastic actress. On set, she is exactly like you see her in Heartland. I had to do some promotional stuff and she came running over to me and just laughed/hugged me.

EC: Next book?

MC: I am creating a western series which will launch in 2023. I also do a multi-author series called the Blackwells. The next Monroe book, book ten, is out in February titled The Cowboy Meets His Match. The story has Olivia Monroe, a yacht racing captain. Her boat capsized and she had to be resuscitated. She has now lost her nerve. She meets this cowboy who likes extreme sports, and he challenges her. In 2022 this series will be finished with the last book coming out around Thanksgiving.



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