Interview with Megan Crane (Special Ops Seduction)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper

Special Ops Seduction by Megan Crane takes readers on an exciting, intense, and gripping adventure. The story has the right amount of romance, suspense, and action.

The book opens up with a mission, saving the lives of a biological scientist and his sister. After staying in a safe house, they suddenly disappear. Alaska Force must now attempt to find and rescue them once again. It turns out that many of the top generals will be in attendance at one of the Alaskan Force team members, Bethan, sister’s wedding, since her father is a General. She agrees to bring one of the other team members to go undercover as her boyfriend and is shocked when Jonas Crow offers to go.

It seems there is some history between Jonas and Bethan. When both were in Afghanistan, she saved his life. After he recovered, he wanted nothing to do with her, something she attributes to ego, where a woman saved him. But it was not that at all. What bothers him is his attraction for her and his desire to be a loner and close off all emotions.

On the surface it appears Bethan and Jonas are very different. Bethan was born into wealth; their amazing home looks more like a luxury resort hotel. As the oldest daughter of a four-star General, she decided to go to Army Ranger school. She always felt that her career choice was not accepted by her parents. Now she must deal with her feelings about returning home with her plus one, Jonas. But spending time pretending to be Bethan’s boyfriend forces him to be closer to her than he’s been in all the years since she saved his life, and his cold walls of resistance to her start to crumble. Jonas plays the part of her boyfriend, completely different than his normal silent self, and a slow built romance begins as they become a great team.

The action part of the story has Jonas and Bethan trying to determine who at the wedding is responsible for the scientist’s disappearance and what biological threat will be unleashed on Americans. Sound familiar? Living through the Covid-19 virus from Communist China, readers can see the dangers of a biological threat.

This novel has splashes of humor, excitement, romance with the perfect amount of great action, and suspense. Throughout the novel, the supporting cast of characters, who were featured characters in the previous Alaska Force novels, have a banter dialogue with Bethan and Jonas that enhance the plot.

Elise Cooper: A woman in the Alaskan Force?

Megan Crane: The first two books in the series were about women in peril. While discussing with my editor the direction of the next books, I decided to have a woman as one of the teammates. I saw a picture of a woman in Special Operations and knew she was perfect for the character Bethan. Her whole life popped into my head as she came fully formed. In doing research for this book, I knew women went to Army Ranger school. I know there are some incredible women out there doing amazing things.

EC: How does the Alaska setting fit in?

MC: People go out there to live in isolation. They must combat the weather of fog, snow, and rain. The island where Alaska Force has its headquarters has weather considered balmier than the rest of Alaska.

EC: How would you describe Bethan?

MC: She always tries to push herself to work harder than the men. She does not want anyone to see her soft underbelly, so no one is let into her cabin. It is girly with pink all around, soft pillows, and can be described as cute. When working she is tough, unemotional, sarcastic, basically going into her fighter mode.

EC: How would you describe Jonas?

MC: He is a glacier. Someone who isolates himself and has problems with relationships, although he considers the guys in Alaskan Force family. These connections save him from himself, especially with Isaac and Templeton, and the brotherhood. He is uncomfortable with deep emotion and connections, because he is afraid to show vulnerability.

EC: How about the relationship?

MC: As they become closer, they take pieces of themselves and put them all together. Jonas thinks he is too flawed to love. They are so much alike they are perfect for each other. They both had to peel off their armor and layers. They had to learn how to be human.

EC: It was great bringing in the other characters with the banter dialogue?

MC: I like when other characters show up on the page and are not ornaments but can be supportive and caring. When the women mocked their dudes, I loved that scene.

EC: Does Bethan and her sister have a typical sibling relationship?

MC: The have love, regret, nostalgia, and hope. Typical sisters. The running scene where they were competing and the scene where Bethan toasts her sister showed their camaraderie.

EC: Biological warfare-how relevant is that?

MC: I wrote this book in January of last year. As I researched about biological weapons, I read a lot about what was happening in China. I had this creepy sense of dread as I was writing the book. I never imagined a month later I would be locked in. At least in this story it was contained.

EC: What about your next books?

MC: Out in January will be a book I wrote with three other authors: Jackie Ashenden, Maisey Yates, and Nicole Helm. It is titled A Good Old-Fashioned Cowboy. The plot has four friends who open up shops on main street. They are staying in Grandma June’s house, which is now a vacation rental. They make a pact where no one can use their phones, no technology, and use tips from a 1940’s magazine to meet men.

I will be starting a new series taking place in Southwest Alaska that will not be suspense. It comes out next January. My next cowboy book written as Caitlin Crews is out in August and will feature another Kittredge brother, Jensen. It is titled All Night Long with a Cowboy.



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