Interview with Joshilyn Jackson (Mother May I)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper

Mother May I by Joshilyn Jackson is a domestic thriller that has readers ponder many issues. There is love vs loyalty, seeing both sides of a person’s character, and living or rejecting the trust and denial while tackling gender roles, sexual assault, revenge, socioeconomic status, kidnapping, and murder.

The book opens when the main character, Bree Cabbot, dreams of seeing a witch peering into her bedroom window, dressed all in black. Yet, later that day, while attending a musical performance of her teenage daughter, she sees the woman again. After putting her infant son down for an instant, Bree realizes someone has taken him. There is a note left in his place, warning her that she is being watched; if she wants her baby back, she must not call the police or deviate in any way from the instructions that will follow. Bree now has to do exactly as the woman says to get her baby back alive. This is where readers take a journey with Bree to rescue her child.

Bree has decided to reject her mother’s fearful outlook. She has overcome her social-economic status by marrying into wealth. It seems Bree has it all: wealth, power and connections, a loving lawyer husband, two talented young teenage daughters, a new baby boy, a gorgeous home, and every opportunity in the world. But none of that is enough if she cannot find her kidnapped child.

This is a suspenseful thriller that will captivate the reader. The unexpected twists and turns allow for a very riveting story.

Elise Cooper: How did you get the idea for the story?

Joshilyn Jackson: I wanted to write a book that had theatre, plus a revenge-fantasy story.

EC: Now you write domestic suspense?

JJ: My switch over to domestic suspense comes out of my work with the performing arts. I serve on the board and am a volunteer for Georgia’s Women Prison. As a teacher, before the pandemic, I taught in Georgia’s Maximum-Security Prison. I saw all these possible levels of justice and the number of chances someone basically gets in life.

EC: Why put in about the Grimm Fairy Tale?

JJ: I always reference fairy tales in my books. Ever since I was a young child, I have been an avid reader. I like fairy tales, so I just put them in the stories.

EC: How would you describe the antagonist, the witch?

JJ: I wanted this person to be frightening. Bree dreams of her, but also feeds into the thought that little old ladies are not threatening. Yet, this person kidnaps Bree’s child. It was a way to have a threatening moment for Bree. I thought of the fairy tales where the old witch wants to eat children, something very scary. Objectively, the witch does terrible things.

EC: Are there similarities between Bree and the witch?

JJ: Both are from the same economic background, although Bree had upper mobility. Both were fighting for their children. In some way, they understood and felt empathy for each other, forming a weird connection. Both are mothers. The difference is that the witch is doing incredibly evil things, becoming a terrible dangerous person.

EC: How would you describe Bree?

JJ: An imperfect person, but one I would go to lunch with. She is warm, brave, loyal, loving, and hopeful.

EC: What role does Trey, Bree’s husband play?

JJ: We see him only through the eyes of women. He never speaks. The way to get a real window into him is through the women in the story. His judge and jury are women. Also, many readers who are women, will be his judge. Bree is conflicted because she knows him and how he always treated their daughters and herself with respect.

EC: Can you give a shout out about your next book?

JJ: I will continue to write domestic suspense. It will probably come out next year and is titled, With My Little Eyes. The plot has a former sitcom star fleeing to Georgia to escape an excessive man. This stalker has followed her and her daughter across the country.



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