Interview with Elizabeth Heiter (Secret Investigation)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper

Secret Investigation by Elizabeth Heiter is the second book in the “Tactical Crime Division Series.” This series is an anthology of books where each author writes about a different character in the TCD.

The opening prologue sets the tone for the rest of the book. It is very powerful and gripping as it shows how those serving in the military sacrifice their lives to protect Americans. The plot is a reminder of the early days of the War on Terror in Iraq where Army soldiers and Marines were not provided adequate body armor. In this story, US Army Captain Jessica Carpenter, a single mother of three children, and her unit, died senselessly. As her world went dark, she realized that the body armor did not prevent the bullets form hitting her body. Thankfully, she was wearing a camera so those back home could realize what went wrong.

The TCD is assigned the case and the FBI Agent in charge is Davis Rogers who was a friend of Jessica and served as an Army Ranger. He goes undercover in the company responsible, Petrov Armor, to find out what happened. Working closely with the young CEO Leila Petrov, who is ruled out as a suspect, they intend to uncover the truth, while risking their own lives.

This is a riveting and realistic story showing how those serving need the protection of not only equipment but Americans as well.

Elise Cooper: Did you speak with the other writers of this multi-author series?

Elizabeth Heiter: We were provided a series Bible that had information about the TCD including the office, where it is located, those working in the unit, and the primary characters of the team. We all had access to the document where authors added details about their particular character.

EC: Why the military angle?

EH: When I received my story background from the publisher, I knew my hero, Davis, was an Army Ranger, now works for the FBI, and will go undercover in a company. I took it from there and started thinking how I wanted the plot to tie into his background. I gave him an investigation where he knew something about the issue and that he also had a personal connection since someone who died was a friend. I made my heroine the CEO of the company that was to blame for the death of the soldiers.

EC: How would you describe Leila?

EH: She was the young CEO of the company, in her thirties. Many believed she was put in charge because she was the daughter of the company’s owner. I have this book quote, “Nepotism had a way of opening doors that nothing else could.” It showed who had the power, the importance of family connections, and how people derived power. She felt she always had to prove herself, and feels she is taken less seriously because she is a woman. Leila is independent, determined, competent, and has built a wall up, a professional façade. She is calm, bold, tough, has a dry sense of humor, and takes responsibility.

EC: How would you describe Davis?

EH: Quietly intense, thoughtful, and is influenced by the Ranger motto. He is very focused, can be a bit cocky and somewhat of a flirt.

EC: How would you describe the relationship?

EH: It builds unexpectedly to both of them. Initially they did not trust each other. Because of his undercover work they were in close proximity, and went beyond seeing each other as an adversary. They recognized how they began falling for each other. The original attraction was lust and then they went beyond it.

EC: What did you do for research?

EH: I had been to a training facility at Quantico. I also had discussions with a female undercover FBI Agent. This actually influenced a scene in the book with FBI Agent Melinda Larsen. She shows up acting like a dipsy girlfriend. Part of my research is talking to the people who do the job.

EC: Each character faced some grief?

EH: I wanted to show how something good can emerge from tragedy. Leila is still saddened by her father’s death and wanted to save her father’s legacy. Davis tried to get justice for his friends. Kane lost a partner, the Director’s daughter, while another FBI Agent Melinda lost her husband and son.

EC: Can you give a shout out about your next books?

EH: In August, the first book in my K-9 series will be re-released as a dual book with author Elle James titled Valiant Tracker. My book is about an ex-Marine and his combat tracker dog that tracks back from the sight of an explosion. The second book in the K-9 series titled Canine Rescue comes out in January. It is about a kidnapped woman who was raised by her kidnappers until she eventually turned them in. Fast-forward five years, the woman kidnapper escapes from jail. The victim returns to Alaska to help find her, but the rookie police officer she teams up with questions her intensions.



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