Interview with Elizabeth Heiter (K-9 Cold Case)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper

K-9 Cold Case by Elizabeth Heiter is one of her best books yet. Her hero has a unique law enforcement specialty; he does not carry any guns. It is the heroine who puts herself in dangerous situations.

The story literally opens with a bang when a bomb goes off in a small Alaskan town. Then, another bombing seems to be connected to a Cold Case, one that involved the murder of the heroine’s husband. At each bombing, an FBI Victim Specialist, Jax Diallo, and his canine partner, Patches, encounters the Chief of Police for Desparre, Alaska, Keara Hernandez. They decide to work together to find who the bomber is and if there a connection with her late husband’s murderer, a case that has haunted Keara for years.

This story has everything including action scenes, great characters, and some romance. It has a gripping and intense plot that put readers on the edge of their seats along with the slow burn romance.

Elise Cooper: Keara was in the previous books in this series?

Elizabeth Heiter: Yes, she played a small role as the small-town police chief. Once I figured out her background story, I realized why she moved to Alaska from Houston. After realizing she was married and lost her husband, this story took off for me regarding the plotting. I wanted to connect the bombings to her husband’s murder.

EC: Did you ever visit Alaska?

EH: I went there a while ago and spent a couple of weeks, traveling all over. We went to the big cities and remote towns. Ever since I went there, I wanted to make it a setting for my books. It is so different, beautiful, and remote. I actually looked back through my photos and notes to get ideas for the story. I would love to go back because it has been a long time now since I have been there.

EC: Why make the hero an FBI Victim Specialist?

EH: I have written law enforcement characters because it is easy to get them involved in the crime. I was intrigued by this profession because they are not investigators and do not carry weapons. They just help victims. They show up at a mass casualty event to help people on the scene and stay with them. They also help people navigate the criminal justice system. I thought this would bring a different kind of perspective especially since Jax did not carry a weapon.

EC: Why make the heroine a police chief?

EH: I wanted Keara to have a profession where she did carry a weapon. She ran into danger. I love the scene in the book that reflects this. I had the antagonist shooting at Jax and his dog. Keara ran to where the shots were being fired even as Jax waved for her to turn back. She told him to head to safety, which he and Patches did. But she was not deterred and tried to find the shooter and stop him.

EC: How would you describe Keara?

EH: Confidant, well respected, and takes command. She is a risk-taker, a loner by choice, loyal, and likes to be in control. She is also serious, calm, and action oriented.

EC: What emotions does she have about losing her husband?

EH: Grief, rage, frustration, and a lot of guilt for not being able to rescue him.

EC: How would you describe Patches?

EH: Patches is a Labrador retriever. This breed is the most common dog used by the FBI Victim Specialist team. She is sensitive, loyal, trusting, and intuitive. One of my favorite scenes in the book was when an injured man’s daughter was sitting on the floor playing with Patches.

EC: How would you describe Jax?

EH: Very intelligent, sensitive, outgoing, supportive, observant, and analytical.

EC: What about the relationship between Keara and Jax?

EH: A good balance. They really mesh and have the same outlooks on life. What held them apart was Jax’s feeling they lived to far apart and Keara’s feelings of guilt over not finding her husband’s killer. She could not move forward until she faced her past.

EC: Why the bomber versus murderer?

EH: I think a serial murderer wants to be up close and personal to see the fear on the victim’s faces. They also want to physically cause pain. The bomber wants to cause chaos and enjoys watching from a distance. The bomber likes to see danger and shock.

EC: How would you describe the killer?

EH: Self-confident, likes to outsmart people, and challenges law enforcement. They also are methodical and patient.

EC: What about your next book?

EH: It will be out in June and is titled: K-9 Hideout. Tate Emory is the hero, and he gets a canine partner that polices and tracks. He has a secret from his past. The heroine is someone who moved to Alaska to escape a stalker. She feels she wants to make a stand here.



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