Interview with Anna J. Stewart (Wyoming Promise)

Article and Interview by Elise Cooper

Wyoming Promise by Anna J. Stewart is the first book in a five-novel compilation. Each month there will be a review of the next book in the series. In September, there will be a review of A Wyoming Secret Proposal by Amy Vastine, October has Wyoming Rodeo Rescue by Carol Ross, November has Her Favorite Wyoming Sheriff by Cari Lynn Webb, and in December Melinda Curtis wraps everything up with Wyoming Christmas Reunion. In this series the authors take readers from Montana to Wyoming with another branch of the Blackwell family.

The plot begins with Corliss Blackwell determined to save her family ranch, Flying Spur, from financial ruin. The only real solution is to ask her estranged Uncle Elias, known as Big E, for a loan. But her grandmother Denny is dead set against her going to see her brother because she has had nothing to do with the family since she was nineteen. As Corliss heads to Montana, she is not alone. Her best friend since childhood, Ryder Talbot, is going along for moral support. After the two take off on their mission to save the ranch by seeing Uncle Elias, Corliss tells Ryder she fibbed and said he was her fiancé.

Ryder also has issues after losing his firefighter peers in a huge fire. He also lost his divorced wife which means he will gain custody of their daughter, Olivia. To make sure the grandparents who have been taking care of Olivia do not object, he and Corliss get together for a marriage of convenience. For the rest of the story sparks fly figuratively and literally between many of the characters.

The story is told with humor, including the great bickering between the characters, and there are great plot twists. Although a few are unresolved at the end of this book, concluding with an unexpected cliffhanger, that will be continued in Book 2. If the other authors write as great a story as Stewart, readers will be in for a treat.

Elise Cooper: This is a compilation around the Blackwell’s family?

Anna J. Stewart: This is the third series in which Amy Vastine, Carol Ross, Cari Lynn Webb, Melinda Curtis, and me, have written with this family. It was a group effort led by Melinda Curtis. The first series had the Blackwell’s brothers, the second had the Blackwell’s sisters, and this third series has the Blackwell’s of Eagle Springs, adding to the family tree. Each of the series, including this one, has a plot thread that goes through all five books. There is always one big plot-hole, an unanswered question or two, that will continue with the next book. Melinda gets to wrap everything up, resolving all loose ends.

EC: This series has what characters?

AJS: Elias Blackwell, known as Big E, is back in Montana. His grandchildren were the focus of the first two series. The first was with his five grandsons, and the second was with five granddaughters. This third series has the setting of Wyoming and concentrates of Elias’s sisters’ grandchildren, three boys and two girls.

EC: What about your book, Wyoming Promise?

AJS: It is the set up for the new series and features Corliss Blackwell, the oldest sister. Because of some hard times the ranch is in trouble financially. She is trying to save the family ranch with her siblings help. The other authors will continue with these characters. All the siblings will be in all the books because it is a family series at its core. I have introduced all the characters except Wyatt.

EC: The role of Olivia?

AJS: She is the eight-year-old daughter of Ryder Talbot who has returned after growing up on the ranch and was Corliss’s childhood best friend. Because his estranged wife passed away, he is now taking custody of his daughter who was living with her grandparents. She will have the Blackwells as a support system and she helps to bring Ryder and Corliss closer.

EC: How would you describe Ryder?

AJS: Honorable, loyal, patient, straightforward, and honest.

EC: How would you describe Corliss?

AJS: Stubborn, has an attitude, determined, independent, likes to over think, a spitfire, and has fears. She is one of those people who expects the worst and hopes for the best. She is a lot like her grandmother as they complement each other.

EC: How would you describe Grandmother Denny?

AJS: Denny is very feisty, stubborn, defiant, proud, set in her ways, and is the ruler of the family. She has essentially had to reinvent herself after leaving her family when she was nineteen. They did not support her, so she went off and made her life her own. The ranch is her legacy.

EC: What about the relationship between Corliss and Ryder?

AJS: He is not afraid to tell Corliss what he thinks. They were friends, then more than friends, and ended up with a marriage of convenience. It is strong since they trust and respect each other implicitly even if they don’t agree with each other. Corliss needs to know she doesn’t have to handle everything on her own.

EC: What about your next book?

AJS: As of now there is not a new Blackwell series, but never say never. It just depends on if we have a new idea. I have out in November a romantic suspense, the first in a new series, titled Exposed. It is “LA Confidential” meets “Women’s Murder Club.” It has Hollywood secrets.



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