His Make-Believe Bride by Martha Hix

Title: His Make-Believe Bride

Author: Martha Hix

Series: Texan Brides #1

Cute but shallow

I would like to thank Martha Hix, Lyrical Press, and Kensington Publishing Corporation for allowing me to read this novel in exchange for an honest review.

Linnea Powell is looking to escape the scandal of her past and scavenge what she can of a good life. As she flees west, she makes the acquaintance of Ermentrude Flanders, who was headed west herself to marry Samson Kincaid, a prosperous rancher. Miss Flanders, however, has changed her plans, and Linnea seizes the opportunity to take her place and become Mrs. Kincaid, securing her future. But guilt eats at her… Should she admit the truth and clear her conscience, or continue the ruse and have a home of her own?

This was a novella, so I’m not sure how critical to be with this book. It was good, I enjoyed it, but because it was short, it lacked quite a bit of substance and depth. I got to know Linnea well enough, but I never felt any connection with Sam. He seemed like a nice guy, so I was glad he got his HEA, but I didn’t love him on a deeper, personal level. He was still something of a stranger by the end of the story. Unfortunately, I also felt he and Linnea were still strangers by the end as well. They never really talked with each other about their pasts, their feelings, or anything particularly personal except what to expect in the marriage bed. Linnea can be excused a little, because she was hiding her identity and trying to adhere to the information Sam knew as regarded the real Miss Flanders. So while the characters were likable, they were also shallow and unremarkable.

The plot wasn’t unique, but it was entertaining nonetheless and I enjoyed it. The writing style was great, though it seemed to tell the story in an absentminded way. Overall, it was cute, but a full-length novel could have been so much better.


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